
TentCity news

Girls can dress up in a wedding dress and marry Edward. There's a long line! 
You are witnessing the wedding of cardboard Edward and "Samantha" (fan)


mina ja D (nagu Debüssi) titstownis!

olen nõus kinos vaatama

tugrik mussi eest

Bella inglise aktsendi pärast olen natuke... tense

Breaking Down Countdown: 5 days left!


meie küll selliste asjadega ei tegele. me võtame ikka peenemat kraami ja kultuurselt. kruusist.

Mitu päeva siis nüüd jäänud on veel?

Vampiiri päevikud 3. hooaeg, 9. osa: Öödisko

Kuna info tulv on meeletu ja Debüssi tahab kohe-kohe hakata mu arvutist vaatama filmi "James Deen: Sex and Submission" (mis on ka Endli lemmikfilm), siis teeme täna lühidalt ja kokkuvõtlikult.

Tegemist on selle aasta viimase osaga nii et niutz ja nututriip jne....

Edgar saab Elenalt vaia.

Elena tõmbab Edgarist vaia jälle välja.

Klaus Barbie pole kunagi öödiskol käinud.

Ei saa ta ka seekord sinna - Saab hoopis Elenalt vaia.

Edgar sööb Stefanit.

Vampiiri-Caroline saad hübriidi-Tylerilt süstlatäie vampiiripeletit.

Damon üritab Tylerile vaia anda.

Nõia-Bonnie teeb Tylerile ja Damonile ägeda migreenihoo.

Katariina saab Edgarilt nuga.

Damon üritab Klausile vaia anda.

Klaus annab Edgarile vaia - Edgar lahvatab põlema.

Elena ja Damon panevad peaaegu kamina ees tatti.

Stefan varastab kõik Klausi laibad ära.

näe, kes meie naabrid on!

mama ja papa kuugar!

Seekord on grimmiga küll täkkesse läinud!

kuti jalg on ilus laibakarva!


... seisab minu ees Edward Culleni action figure, kelle külge on juuksekummiga kinnitatud väike Bella.


U look good, Dude!

duduluu! otse sündmuskohalt!

me oleme nüüd Debüssiiga ennast kenasti sisse seadnud ja no on ikka väga cool! knee deep in the boob! Debüssi on siin muidugi peaaegu nagu jumal, ma nopin mis maha jääb.

ega kedagi muud tõesti pole enam vaja....

võib walk of famei üles künda küll!

mis kehaosa see on?

palun ütle, et see on põlveõnnal....

Arabella külalispost

aga nüüd.... kümnesse!

ah krt! nibin-nabin...


läheneb, läheneb, harjutan, harjutan ...


ooboi, poisid, uhke tätoka saan praegu! classy!

Breaking Down Countdown: 9 days left!

augutäiteks! daamid tantsule! saab [tsenseeritud]!

ameerika järgmine pothead

täna on väga raske unenäol ja reaalsusel vahet teha...

anyway.... kõik me oleme koguaeg tahtnud teada, mida Tyra tõmbab, kui ta oma saadet välja mõtleb.

panen kah oma bongi nüüd pot liitiumi täis ja.... BYE!!!!

Breaking Down Early Camper Wristbands!

Ainult Pahbiiriblogist! Ainult sulle! Ainult 16 999 EUR!

Kõikide käepaela ostjate vahel loositakse välja kolm kohtumist Robert Pattissoniga.

Katsu juba täna välja uurida kust, kuidas, miks ja kelle jaoks!!!


A full security staff will not be on site to oversee the fan camp site and their belongings until Thursday, November 10 at 6am PT

miks? milleks? kelle jaoks? miks nii vara? terve nädal enne? andke andeks.... on see unes või ilmsi? okse tõuseb põske... 

on see siis nüüd unes või ilmsi?

The married 17-year-old, who swears “a knife has never touched this body,” underwent an ultrasound on Monday’s Dr. Drews “Lifechangers” to prove, once and for all, whether she’s had plastic surgery.
Stodden was examined on the show by Dr. John Diaz.
Before her marriage to 51-year-old actor Doug Hutchison, Stodden took photographs in which she appeared to be a pretty normal-looking teenager.
Now, some believe she looks surgically altered.
Check out the video below for the answer to one of our nation’s most pressing questions.

Kes kolli nägi?

minu lemmikud on see närvideta naine:

ja see boibänd:


oh the humanity

ühesõnaga.... et kõik algusest peale ära rääkida, siis juhtus nii, et üleeile näidati hispaanias filmifestivalil jupike musta materjali Cronenbergi filmist Cosmopolis. kellegil vist filmida ei õnnestunud, aga tõesline tvaihard ei jää kunagi hätta. siin on sekundhaaval lahtikirjutatud, mida ekraanil näha sai:

0.23 Opening bip: COSMOPOLIS (silver font)
0.28 just the limo parked
0.31 Scene with Sarah and Rob (you can see his forehead at 0.32)
0.33 Inside the limo, Rob was on the right, green screen background
0.34 a shot of NYC by night
0.36 the same Sarah and Rob’s scene, he was biting the sausage and then looks at her (0.38)
0.41 Rob standing, then he was riding in the limo "Don't trust the standard models. Think outside the limits."
0.45 Rob and Kevin standing "I want an haircut." (Rob looked pretty dashing)
0.48 Same restaurant scene - Sarah “Do you need an haircut?” Rob "I need anything you can give me."
0.49/0.50 a living glimpse of the first still that Catherine Cronenberg showed us last May (Sarah and Rob on the back of the cab but his mouth was set in a hard line, not smirking like in the picture)
0.57 If I remember correctly, the scene with Binoche, he had no shirt "It's mine if I buy it."
0.59 Rob and Sarah at night, outside of a building, Rob had his jacket off
1.00 Rob on the back of the limo again
1.04 Rob and Kevin (same scene as 0.45) Rob was looking straight ahead while Kevin talked to him
1.06 Curly hair woman making a call but it looked like she was spying something (later she will be naked with Rob)
1.08 Rob in the limo, talking with a woman (not Sara, not Binoche, not curly hair woman, she was younger with straight brown hair)
1.11 Rob - “I’m scared to death”. Limo is already vandalized
1.12 He was watching something on a monitor
1.14 Rob with his head down, back of the limo, sad/scared face “Dying is the scandle…”
1.16 “He’s out there, and he’s off” I think it was Paul
1.20 “Makes me feel free in a way I’ve never known” You can see Rob’s arm, rummaging through a drawer, gun was in there
1.21 Sarah talking to Rob “Afraid to do what?”
1.24 PATTINSON (same font as opening COSMOPOLIS)
1.28 Kevin beating the crap out of Mathieu, Rob was inside the limo
1.34 Rob having sex in the limo (naked chest, naked back, closed eyes with a woman on top, head slamming to the side of the car)
1.36 Rob sitting on a chair, looking at curly hair woman undress, button of his pants is undone
1.40 Same sex scene as 1.36 but Rob looking at curly hair woman who is playing with his tie
1.47 Rob with a psychotic face, facing someone
1.50 exterior scene, Rob without jacket, gun in his hand
1.51 GADON
1.53-57 a bunch of cuts: vandalized limo, rob on the restaurant, kevin watching, rob pointing a gun
2.00 they’re passing by the riot
2.04 Rob surrounded by books
2.06 Kevin worried about Rob’s safety, he was at a table, Rob standing
2.09 Kevin opens fire, Mathieu attacks Rob
2.12 some sort of night club with girls dancing on poles, Rob watching
2.17 “Is there something I don’t know?” Rob was asking Kevin
2.19 Kevin forces a door to open
2.22 Another bit of a sex scene in the limo, Rob without shirt
2.25 NYC on the back
2.26 An alley, Mathiew was there
2.31-34 jump cuts – Rob in the limo, parking lot, vandalized limo, Rob was in a kind of an abandoned storage, someone opens fire
2.39 Rob again in the limo
2.41 Giamatti and Rob talking in the vandalized limo
2.43 12.12.12

ja ma ei tee nalja...

kuuldavasti on Austraalias esikas juba 17. novembril

mis see siis teeb? üks, kaks, kolm.... kümme päeva? omai....