
lobotoomia vardad

viimaks ometi ka intelligentsemat publikut!
Elena sai vampiiriks nii, et ta SURI, aga enne seda oli teda edutult ravitud vampiiriverega nii et siis ta tõusis haiglas surnuist kohe pärast seda kui sõbralik blond tohtrihärra oli teda kaelast hammustanud ja siis ta läks ja tappis oma peigmehe, kes hirmunult hotellitoas kössutas ja kui nad surnud pole (mida nad on!), siis elavad nad siiani õnnelikult. da end


Rob isn’t wasting anymore time being single, a shocking report claims that Rob went to a birthday party for a good friend on Sept. 21 and he was all over a girl who he was overheard calling his ‘girlfriend.’


The 27-year-old actor was reportedly partying at producer Allan Loeb‘s house and was reportedly seen stealing kisses with a brunette, who had a “girl next door” look to her.


tead, kes minu girl next door on? :)



he showed up around midnight with mystery bruntette and they cuddled all night!


They were cute together,” the source says. “At one point, he was talking to someone and she wandered over and grabbed his hand and pulled him to over to near the pool. Their hands were all over each other!”

This comes right on the heels of Kristen reportedly turning things back on with Rupert Sanders.