
Ära küsi, ma ei tea... 4

Mõista, mõista, kes need on?


  1. vist siiski mitte. aga sa oled ju vähemalt alguse breiking downil ära kuulanud. kes seal pulmas kõik olid? klannid ja värgid? iirimaalt? egiptusest? anyway, võiks ilusamad olla.

  2. õudsalt häbi on aga kogu breikin doon tundub mulle oli üks kiire segane blörr. ainult hanimuuni koha kerisin tagasi sest lipsas liiga ruttu mööda (noja ei kirjeldatudki muidugi midagi) ja sina kuulasid seda kutsikakohta. ülejäänu oli selline hale nasaalne blörr.

  3. nüüd saan küll signaalpüstoliga silma

  4. videvikuke3.5.11

    saad jah sirtsti! silma. sirtsti!

  5. Kelly3.5.11

    I have to say, Breaking Dawn is basically my favourite book of the entire Twilight Saga. Why? I’ll show you why.
    While reading that part, in my head. Bella & Edward’s wedding was beautiful. Well in my opinion, I find it sad when Jacob came all disappointed.
    At Isle Esme, I have to say. Bella got abit spoiled, because she wants Edward to "make love" with her. But who doesn't want Edward? <3 <3 <3.
    Oh! I find it really cute when Bella was playing with the dolphins. But when Edward came, they all got scared and swam.
    When Bella started feeling sick, I find it awesome that she told Rosalie because Bella knows that she always! Wanted children.
    Carlisle buying a island for Esme. That is so! Sweet.
    Overall this part was okay. But I wish I can have a vacation in Isle Esme.
    Er ! When Bella’s bones cracked. I actually heard a crack in my head. My god that much hurt > <.
    When the baby was being delivered O.O. I kinda saw the whole thing in my head. The bloodiness, Jake kicking Rosalie in the guts.
    I was!!! Soooo excited when Edward injected the venom in Bella.
    Haha! Jake I can't believe Jake imprinted on Renesmee. I feel happy for Rosalie, she is really happy now, thanks to Bella : D.
    When they were hunting. I SERIOUSLY LOVE ALICE. She put stilettos on Bella. And then Bella had to jump out the window. When they had to jump the across the water. Edward was showing off. Soo adorable
    But these vampires are rich.
    When they showed the Edward and Bella their little house. Edward was like, the closet is bigger than this room. Bella was like we are gonna lie. Tell Alice that I ran straight to the clothes and played dress up. That cracked me up.
    I was sad when Alice left :p. She was so cheerful :]. OMG, when Bella discovered her powers. It was so cool when she was training.
    When the Volturi came, I loved that part. Jane was soo awesome. & How Bella’s shield powers improved. When they killed Irina I felt really sad for her sisters : p.
    When Bella tried that memory thing on Edward. It was really cool that Edward can’t resist on kissing Bella. How I wish Edward was mine.

  6. dolphins??? what dolphins??

  7. älis suri ära vä?

  8. pead ikka lõpuni kuulama! aga KELLY, THANK U! we really ,REALLY needed that...
