
WhereIsRob App 6

testing! testing!

algab ülekanne!


Robert on praegu endiselt Torontos. Koos oma pruudi ja koeraga.


Praegu Robert tudib:

Aga varsti ta tõuesb üles ja läheb, täiesti ilma hommikusöögita, võtteplatsile (milleks on limusiini tagapink). Ilma hommikusöögita sellepärast, et ta peab olema äärmiselt ponks ja peenike.

Siis ta istub limusiini tagapingile ühe blondi naise kõrvale:

järgneb dialoog:

Blond: How come we've never spent this kind of time together?

Edmund: Sex finds us out. Sex sees through us. That's why it's so shattering. It strips us of appearances. I
see a near naked woman in her exhaustion and need, stroking a plastic bottle pressed between her
thighs. Am I honor-bound to think of her as an executive and a mother? She sees a man in a posture of
rank humiliation. Is that who I think he is, pants around his ankles and butt flung back? Does he regret surrendering his dignity and pride? Or is there a secret wish for self-abasement? Is his manhood a sham? Does he love himself or hate himself? I don't think he knows. Days like this. He snaps a finger and a flame shoots up. Every sensitivity, all his attunements. Things are ready to happen that normally never do. She knows what he means, that they don't even have to touch. The same thing that's happening to him is happening to her. She doesn't need to crawl under the table and suck his dick. Too trite to interest either one of them. The flow is strong between them. The emotional tone. Let it express itself. He sees her in her wallow and feels his pelvic muscles begin to quiver. He says, Tell me to stop and I'll stop. But he doesn't wait for her to reply. There isn't time. The tails of his sperm cells are lashing already. She is his sweetheart and lover and slut undying. He doesn't have to do the unspeakable thing he wants to do. He only has to speak it. Because they're beyond every model of established behavior. He only has to say the words.

Blond: Say the words.

Edmund: I want to bottle-fuck you slowly with my sunglasses on.

thank you! over and out!

ja need on päris pildid, mitte mingid tvaihardide kokkulõigatud.

kuigi ka need on väga ilusad, nuttymaadam!


  1. videvikuke27.5.11

    mulle väga meeldib, et Rob räägib endast kolmandas isikus. see on väga sobiv, asjakohane ja peen! refined! ja klässi!

  2. Nikk Makarone27.5.11

    thank you! kuku! elusees ei saa roob neid sõnu oma pruntis roosihuultest üle! nakkaaa! nevva!

  3. Jurts Maar27.5.11

    oi tudiv robert on nunnu! tule sülle!
