
Nii palju on öelda! 8

I would have loved to have lived in the 1930's. All the clothes from that time period also fit me very well, at the first fitting.

Your next role in Bel Ami takes you to Paris during the Bel Epoque. You seem to like history.

RP: You could say that. Paris is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in the world and Bel Ami by Guy de Maupassant is one of my favourite books. For this role I would have flown around the world. I really did give my best and hope the audience will like the film.

You sound a little doubtful?

RP: Bel Ami tells the story of the professional and social ascent of George Duroy. The drawback is that George aka Bel Ami is ruthless and greedy for power. How do you make a movie in which evil wins over good – who wants to see that at the cinema? That’s really difficult and at the first test screenings the audience admitted they didn’t understand the concept. Neither do I and that’s just what’s extraordinary about Bel Ami. It doesn’t meet the stereotypes and that’s the reason why the book is one of my top favourites. I hope the movie will be very successful.

What will you be working on next?

RP: Cosmopolis – a very cool script. It’s directed by David Cronenberg and my costars will be Juliette Binoche and Paul Giamatti. I’m sure it will be great. After that I would like to write a script myself and produce films.

What can you tell us about the last Twilight film Beaking Dawn?

RP: I am not allowed to tell you a lot, which is a new experience for me, but I can say this much: Breaking Dawn will be fantastic.
In Breaking Dawn Bella is pregnant and married. How is Kristen Stewart handling her new role?

RP: She’s handling it great. Breaking Dawn is totally mad and completely different from the three films before – it’s almost eerie.

An english survey says that 87% of english women, of every age would replace their husbands immediately with Robert Pattinson.
Pattinson, 25 next may 13, a very tall man (1.85 cm) skinny, pale and apparently unhappy (as vampires should be), is the center of a mass idolatry.

Since the series begun, in 2008, semi-unknown Parrinson, chosen between 5000 candidates, rise to the 15th placement between most payed actors.

You’re a sex symbol!
Before twilight I couldnt get a date with a girl

And now?
Yes If I wanted to. But I’m not the sex Symbol. Its Edward, the vampire.

How are you spending the money you gained?
I’m so used to be a penniless that I’m not able to spend them. Las tthing I buyed with a certain value is a vintage guitar.

You stiill write songs, don’t you?
I have no time for it

And are you still writing those two “famous” novels you were writing some years ago?
I have no time for them to


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