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my ass is burned.

no joke.

my ass is seriously burned.

why? because i decided it would be a great idea to sunbath naked in my backyard. i’m free and nobody was home, so why not? so i walked over to my comfy chair there, pulled everything off and just lay down, reading my goddamn book. somewhere along the way i must have fallen asleep, or roofied myself, because 2 hours later i woke up, still naked, and with a tingling sensation around my bum.

the rest of my body was ok, as i can handle a fair amount of sun pretty damn well, but my little white baby ass, who’s not used to solar attention, turned bright red as soon as i walked back into the house.

i didn’t notice it at first, but then when i drove my cousin to the airport, it kept feeling like the seat heater was on even though the light was off. of course, this was just my tender ass being charcoal grilled right there in the seat.


anyway, this brings us to where i’m currently residing. in my bed. naked. trying to sooth the burn with my ass covered in aloe vera.

so forgive me if i’m not in the mood for sexy tonight.

my ass is burning.

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