

something something something Breaking Dawn something something something something....


  1. maikel12.4.11

    RPattz on a bike! At least I think that's RPattz, but there's also a good chance it could be my Asian lesbian neighbor who owes me $20

  2. you said, I12.4.11

    Robert and Kristen also huddled close and shared a quick kiss outside the soiree.

  3. kas peksa ka12.4.11

    Rob had a bit of a James Dean thing going on when he jumped on the bike, and he looked like he was having a great time letting loose with his friends.

  4. Anonymous12.4.11

    So the haters and the doubters must be eating their words. You are all so FOS! That is Kristen smoking next to Robert. They love each other and are in a relationship they have not broken up like you would like! Envious jerks! Leave them alone!

  5. annamarjad12.4.11

    jajah, aga kui ma oma roosad tvailaidiprillid eest võtan ja seda alumist gifi vaatan,siis ma näen, et robert küll tahtis suareel kissi sheerida, aga bitch pööras pea ära.oh well... prillid pähe tagasi!
