

A full security staff will not be on site to oversee the fan camp site and their belongings until Thursday, November 10 at 6am PT

miks? milleks? kelle jaoks? miks nii vara? terve nädal enne? andke andeks.... on see unes või ilmsi? okse tõuseb põske... 


  1. Tänud Wall of Shame och Lame. See on tõesti imeline. Tahaks ka juba proovida!

  2. Järts8.11.11

    Ei! See oli just see mis mulle kõige rohkem meeldis. Täiesti valutu!

  3. mrs cullen8.11.11

    Well this gives me a Peace of Mind, I freaked out on Sat when news broke that ppl were already camping, I am traveling 3,000 miles get there tomorrow and that was just very disappointing I understand why girls will want to do it LA is full of TWIFANS as we speak just waiting for this event but rules are rules … lets see how this looks come in Wednesday Night, I heard accounts from last year line starting forming at 7pm or something when wristband were handed the next morning… so we’ll see.
    Hoping for Summit to have full control of this!

  4. Summit8.11.11

    oh, we will. we will.
