
Täna (või ma ei tea.... homme ve?) on Njorgis Elevandifilmi esikas

oooo. giggle. giggle. giggle. swoon.


votnii. palun välja selgitada, misaegne osa see on.


Pamelani, sinä pikku sänkypeto!

Pam on Stephen Loganin mielestä sängyssä varsinainen peto, todellinen siperiantiikeri, grrr. "Eikö ole ihanaa elää ilman pillereitä. Nyt voit omana itsenäsi vastustaa siskosi sairasta kontrollinhalua?" hän sanoo elämänilonsa löytäneelle naiselleen. Töissä Pam paljastaa Katielle ja Billille, että he eivät ole Katien isän kanssa pelkästään yhdessä, vaan he ovat myös rakastuneita. Onko Pam ollut intiimisti Stephenin kanssa? On, kerran heti Stephanien lähdön jälkeen, ja kerran vielä iltapäivällä. Sisko muistuttaa, että Stephen Logan on Pamin perään vain käyttääkseen tätä vihansa välineenä, saadakseen siskon siskoaan vastaan. Brooke itkee, Oliver ojentaa kasvopyyhkeitä. "Mitä meidän pitäisi tehdä?" "Emmekö voisi vain unohtaa?" "En tiedä. Voimmeko me?" Brooke sanoo ja huomauttaa, että Oliver toimi uskomattoman vastuuttomasti ehkäisyn kanssa. Onneksi ei kysymyksessä tosiaan ollut Hope! Minkä selityksen Oliver antaa? Kertooko Bridget Nickille tulevansa lapsensa geeni-isän nimen? Kuka kidnappaa kenet Big Bearin vuorihuvilalle?

Ihan totta kaikki!

Eräät ne vain kiskovat kuivia martineja!

Eric ja Stephanie tanssivat Big Bearin vuorihuvilalla, juovat martineja ja puhuvat juhlasta, joka on parastaikaa käynnissä heidän talossaan alhaalla laaksossa Beverly Hillsin kukkuloilla. Juhlijat ovat riisuneet valkoiset naamionsa, mutta tanssi jatkuu. Brooke palauttaa Hopelle tämän hävittämän kaulakorun. Marcus oli löytänyt sen. Daddy Yankeen Pose-kappale soi, ja Brooke tanssii hormonaalisessa hurmiossa Ridgestään nauttien. Oliver katselee menoa ja miettii, oliko Brooke se nainen, jonka kanssa hän oli hetki sitten ulkona puutarhassa seinää vasten. Ei voi olla totta! Brooke nauraa ja kikertää kuin entisaikaan, hyvä niin, se pukee häntä. Onko hän uskonut Oliverin olleen Ridge?

Mukana myös puertoricolainen reggaeton-artisti Daddy Yankee.

Ihan totta kaikki!

Vampiiri päevikud: Viimane tants

värske osa! värske osa!

Alaricujopes Klaus ulatab laia naeratuse saatel vampiiri-Katariinale taskunoa ja ütleb, et see end lõiguks, kuni ta ise õues jalutab. Katariina lööb kohe omale noa jalga. korduvalt.

Alaricujopes Klaus on koolis ÕPETAJA (näpud kriidised ja puha). olin selle täiesti unustanud. tundub, et ta õpetab ajalugu. seisab klassi ees ja vaatab maia näoga oma õpilast Elenat. lürpsti!
Selgub, et ürgvampiir Klaus on suht dumb. Pakub, et Watergate oli 60ndatel. oleks oodanud enamat, oleks oodanud enamat....

ja ÜLLA-ÜLLA! tuleb Alaricujopes Klaus endisesse Stepheni ja Damoni lossi (mille nad Liis Haavelile kinkisid) ja astub täitsa kutsumata sisse, nii et see trikk nüüd küll ei pelanud, mehed...

kõik vanamehed löövad nüüd ennast üles ja lähevad keskkooli tantsupeole!

damn, et kõikidel naistegelastel selles sarjas on häirivalt pikad ja silmnähtavalt võltsid ripsmed. ilmselt said mingi soodsa naaritsakarvapakkumise a la osta 100 saad teise 100 tasuta.

haaa, selgub, et Klausile meeldivad kah 20ndad: the style, the parties, THE JAZZZZZZZZ!

nõia-Bonnie on sellise ägeda Kill Bill vaibiga, pillub Klausi vitriinidesse.

sadly. Bonnie dies. kahju, sest nad nüüd just lõpuks olid talle täitsa ilusa soengu pähe saanud. terve esimese hooaja katsetasid erinevate pööraste moppidega...


BONNIE ON ELUS! jeeee....

krdi segane pull....

ma arvan, et selle emotsionaalse solgutamise ja pinge tagajärjel saab Elena varsti omale bipolaarse häire ja peab hullumajja puhkama minema.

oeh blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! at&t product placement:
what is that?
- it is MiFi. if we gonna be stuck here we might as well have internet


Elena läheb oma uue lossi keldrisse ja äratab ellu seal mädaneva maailma vanuselt 2. vampiiri Elijah.

krt, hea saade!

krt luksuma ajab




ma ei hakkagi pikemalt kommenteerima. ainult seda, et ka minu uusaastalubadus oli välja selgitada, mida tähendab mu nimi ja õppida lõpuks ometi suudlema. desktopil on mul uhke läikiv bmw, kintsul justin piiberi tätokas ja no tvailait..... PUHANG!


Dear Reese,

Did you ever have the nickname “Pieces” in school? As in Reese’s Pieces? I wonder if that was cool or annoying? Do people send you Reese’s Pieces? What’s your address? Sorry, that’s not the reason I’m writing. FIrst, congrats. I hear you recently got married. I saw a photo of you at your wedding on the cover of some magazine at Rite Aide and you looked really beautiful and happy and that lent some light to an otherwise terrible trip to Rite Aide. That’s also not the reason I’m writing. I’m writing because you recently said, in reference to your love scene with Robert Pattinson in your upcoming film, Water for Elephants:

“Rob possibly had the most hideous horrible cold of any co-star I’ve ever had to do a love scene with ever in my entire life. He was literally snorting and snotting through every second of it – and it was not appealing…I’m talking green, infectious, disgusting – I’m not kidding! I’m going to say it’s a little bit of a downer…I was a little disappointed. It wasn’t sexy.”

Listen, Pieces. I do not dispute the authenticity of this story. I’m sure he had a cold. But here’s the thing. The one thing worse than bragging about an amazing experience is saying that a clearly amazing experience was bad. Because it is so transparently a lie. It is an objective lie that making out with Pattinson was disgusting. Sure, he had a runny nose, that makes no difference. You know who you’re reminding me of? The girl who studied really hard for the test, pretended like she didn’t, and told everyone she totally failed and then she gets an A plus. You know that girl? That girl is so annoying! Sure, she’s your friend, but you just want to be like, “Dude, just say that you aced the test because you know you did!” In conclusion, RPieces, just say, “Making out with RPatz was just as awesome as you think it would be, which is to say really really awesome.” The end.


krt, sellest tuleb üks IMELIK film



OK! magazine reports that Pattinson “has picked out the perfect gift” for Stewart – a $17,000 vintage diamond “promise ring.”

According to an insider, the actor “found it through a dealer who specializes in estate jewelry, and he knew it was just perfect for Kristen!”

The token will function as a kind of pre-engagement ring, says the OK! source, because while Stewart “loves him deeply, she’s not prepared to be Mrs. P. just yet.”

Pattinson is said to have purchased the “promise ring” because he’s “taking baby steps” toward marriage.

Prantslaste elevandifilmiarvustus

Unbalanced talent among the lead actors and a predictable story

With this film, we wanted to know if Robert Pattinson could play something different from his tortured vampire role in which he only displays 2 emotions througout the Twilight saga. The answer is yes: actually he can play a tortured veterinary student who only displays 2 emotions throughout this film. He is not strong enough to face Christoph Waltz who displays anger from the very first time we see him or even the sweet Reese Witherspoon who is so charming. Pattinson can’t really express anything with this love triangle set in a circus during the Great Depression. It ‘s lacking passion and sensuality to trigger off any emotions.

Twilight Zones

kah typomeistrid...

Mis ma täna poest ostsin...


snäppisin käppelt tvaikruisilt mõned ülesvõtted!

äääh... mmmh... ughhh... mmmh... mmm... jäääh... sorry

minu rõõm oli suur, kui eklipsi audiobooki kuulama asudes avastasin, et illiana kaadutš on omale appi palganud selle konna kes mingis telekanalis uudiseid luges ( ja keda mul polnudki au kuulda)


düm tüm tüdüdüdü tümtüm tümtümtüm

harimata rahvale, kes saksa keelt ei mõitsa:

Marge: Marge Simpson.
Homer: Aah!
-- My wife's an idiot!, "Marge on the Lam"

Marge generously pledges thirty dollars, then thanks Troy before hanging
Marge, it's public TV!  They never have anything good.  Where are the
Geraldos?  Where are the Ewbankses-es?
-- Homer objects to Marge pledging money, "Marge on the Lam"

But Marge stands by her decision.
Marge: [of public TV] They need our support!  Besides, they gave me two
       tickets to the ballet.
Homer: [jubilant] Ballet?  Woo-hoo!
Marge: [incredulous] You like ballet?
Homer: Marjorie, _please_.  I enjoy _all_ the meats of our cultural
-- Particularly the snouts and entrails, "Marge on the Lam"

Homer imagines himself at the "ballet": he sits in the front row at the
circus watching a bear with a hat driving a cart around the ring while
Homer sings along with the calliope.  He continues to sing while Marge
watches him with a worried look.
Just then, the doorbell rings.  

It's weird, It's kind of embarrassing. (GreatPersonalities)

People say Twilight is what teenage girls are into and I’m like, yeah, but that’s not just it. Most of the time it’s the mums who are actually more passionate! This woman and her teenage daughter are walking up. And the mom’s shaking, she’s just so excited. They get to the front table and the woman goes, ‘Taylor, I’m wearing panties that have your name on them. If I find a way to take them off and have you sign them, is that OK?’ And the daughter’s like, ‘Mum, come on!’ And her mum’s like, ‘Honey, it’s OK, this is what we do at these signings!’ The daughter was so embarrassed. 

Taylor Lautner / July 20, 2010
 nb! onju parem parukas kui tvailaidis?

That's a hard question. They are sexy in different ways. But I'll say werewolf. I have to be true to the pack. 
Taylor Lautner on whether vampires or werewolves are sexier / November 20, 2009

Tilliga ja tillita

meie blogi tagasihoidlik panus võrdõiguslikkuse toetuseks

Wanna see something weird?

Conversation Starters

We meet again, eh, Herr Doktor?

Justin Bieber won't be meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

krt, ma olin ennast juba sellele kohtumisele seinakärbseks reganud!

selle peale vanad eestlased, eestlased, eestlased...

... ei tulnudki!


keegi on mu unistuste firmanime ära varastanud!

Most Beautiful 2011

Oh, you do look normal..

Keegi julgeb veel eesti koolitoidu üle kurta?

throw it in the oven for however long you feel like


Rob wears the purple shirt and a black sports bra O.o

Robert pattinson huge boner - ok so this one made me giggle because of the HUGE part lol I dare someone to google tiny;)

SINA, mu õpetatud sõber, pole MINGI sportlane!



The penis, whose size and shape remain a mystery, will be pickled and put on display at the Phallological Museum shortly.

Phallology is an ancient science


This must-have hardcover edition--the only official guide--is the definitive encyclopedic reference to the Twilight Saga and provides readers with everything they need to further explore the unforgettable world Stephenie Meyer created

Need silmad, need silmad....

Nii palju on öelda! 7

Indeed, the poster boy continues to be idolized for his role as vampire Edward Cullen, opposite Kristen Stewart’s Bella Swan, in the wildly popular Twilight film series.

Certainly, the Twi-hard craze shows no signs of letting up.

Based on the bestselling Stephenie Meyer books, the first three movie versions – Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse – scooped up more than $1.8 billion US, while the controversial Breaking Dawn pictures could add another billion dollars to the coffers.
Reminding the 24-year-old that he must endure at least two more years of adoration from devoted zealots makes him grimace a little.

As all-encompassing as the phenomenon turned out to be, the actor has been wise enough to act in different genres along the way.

As all-encompassing as the phenomenon turned out to be, the actor has been wise enough to act in different genres along the way.

Still, the camera has always loved him. Initially, as a teenager, he booked lots of modelling gigs around London, thanks to his brooding good looks and his mother Claire, who worked at a talent agency.

After beating out 5,000 other Edward hopefuls, he signed to play the vampire in turmoil, connecting with Stewart’s Bella so convincingly that rumours of an off-screen romance continue to this day.

“It’s incredible that they get information so quickly,” Pattinson says of the sites. “Sometimes I check them, just to see what my schedule is.

In another few years, Pattinson says he figures fans will move on to the next big thing. “I’ve always felt that if something explodes really quickly that it takes the same amount of time for people to think about something else.”     

When they do, the actor has a few post-Twilight plans he’s keeping to himself. Whether he can realize them is his next chapter.
Will he be overshadowed by Edward?
“I don’t know if I will be. As usual, I have no idea – but I hope not.”

yes, you will...



lõpuks ometi on mu outfit täiuslik!

pükse mäletad ikka veel jah?

Ma ei saa küll aru, mis siin valesti on...

mis te kõik karjute?


It's a duck's world


Carlisle Cullen (Twilight series), Forks, Wash. $36.2 billion. Investments, compound interest.

veel üks tilliga naine!

tilliga naine

enne rahva raamatu iha-ürituse väisamist on vaja veel tilli-üritusel ära käia!

Rob Lick of the Day 8

Õudne uudis

Brenda Walshil on täna 40. juubel

Don’t get me wrong, I love NKOTB and will be going to as many shows as possible…but I wish they’d STOP with the old songs!

Su lemmik sai plaadile ve?

Päeva tsitaat

I tell people, when I give them Christmas presents which were given to me for free, I tell them 'it was free' to make them more proud of it. 

-Robert Pattinson-

Rob Lick of the Day 7

selle gifi nimi on TONGUEPORN. ja see pole isegi minu pandud