Eesti Vedelik - Tule! Vaata! Imesta! (Peale ürituse algust välja enam ei pääse)
Mediocre horror writer said
ääh, pfffft, something, something.
Naised olid kehaehituselt pigem matsakad ja kumerad. Nii et Krõõt erines teistest Vargamäe naistest. Arvatavasti ta oma sihvaka kehaehituse pärast surigi.

Very passionate...
kui sa mõtled, et kes on see nutikas daam, siis see on piilupart Donald Trumpi abikaasa
kui sa mõtled, et kes on see nutikas daam, siis see on piilupart Donald Trumpi abikaasa
Vampiiri päevikud: KLAUS
oooo, on 1492 a., me oleme Inglismaal ja kõigil on õnnestunud omale hankida pähetõmbamiseks vanad tvailaidiparukad!
Ürgvampiir Elija ärkab keldris vaikselt ellu ja ta luud-kondid RAKSUVAD.
Damon nurub oma prutat, et kas tohib õlast hammustada. pruta ütleb, et "eeeeei, mu õlg on juba jõle rõve, lutsi verekotist". Damon mossitab.
ok, Klaus on kinda ugly...
ja tuleb välja, et Elija on Klausi vend ning aastal 1492. kinkis Elija Katarina oma vennale sünnipäevaks (?). täitsa kinki kink...
Elija viskab moodsat nalja ja ütleb.....OMG! (giggle. swoon)
Klausi ja Elija isa oli rikas maaomanik Ida-Euroopas. ma loodan, et nad on eestlased
Alaricujopes Klaus hakib Elena köögis porgandeid.
ahah, nüüd selgub muuseas, et vennad Klaus ja Elija on kirjutanud Piibli ja Klaus joonistas ükskord purjakil olles valmis maiade pühad taiesed, asteekide kalendri, roomlaste pühad pärgamendid ja aafrika iidsed koopajoonised jne.
Jenna, Stephen ja Alaricujopes Klaus söövad Elena köögis makarone. Stephen teeb Jennale oma krimpsus vampiirinägu ja see jookseb minema.
Tuleb välja, et mingit Päikese ja Kuu needust polegi olema. Neetud pole mitte kõik vampiirid ja libahundid vaid ainult Klaus. ohoooo...
Jenna-tädi on nüüd täitsa pasaks löönud suurest hirmust vampiiride ees. bfff.... kamoon! vampiirid on ilusad, romantilsied ja sädelevad päikese käes! eeeei.... oot.... ma tõesti loodan, et kohe-kohe selgub, et Jenna-tädi on nümf. pliiiiiiiiz! või vähemalt libapanter. krt, jälle vale muuvi....
ohoo, praegu vampiiri-Katariina on Alaricujope korteris kinni ja rüüpab pudelist viskit. põhi on juba suht peal. näitleja, kes teda mängib on vist mingi 17-aastane. pakun ma. TERVISEX!
hea muss on taustal. hmm.... huvitav, mis lugu on...
Klausi minionid veeretavad suures kohvris sisse tema päriskeha (mis on ugly molliga).
Elija pajatab, et Klaus on sohipoeg ja tema pärisisa on libahunt. täiesti pöörane...
AHAAAA! Klaus on Renesmee. sort of. ta on korraga vampiir JA libahunt. urrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... explains the ugly mug...
oh my... see on NELI korda parem kui tvailait! nii.... selgub, et Elija armastab Katariinat ja hakkab otsapidi vaikselt Elenasse armuma ja praegu sülgas Damon oma vend Stehpenile näkku, et tema armastab kah Elenat ja Stephen juba ammu armastab Elenat ja kui peaks mündi peale kihla vedama, siis ma pakuks, et ka libahunt-vampiir-Klaus armastab Elenat! wow...
AAAAH! nüüd vampiirivennad kaklevad naise pärast. kõik puha urinal ja hambad paljad! fight! fight! fight!
jap, nüüd Damon vihastas ja läks sõi oma pruudi ära.
ooolraidi.... Klaus vahetas nüüd oma jopet ja astub praegu suurest kirstust välja nagu mingi David Copperfield (siis see mustkunstnik). sonks on parem kui 1492. aastal.
ah krt! hia saade!
Ürgvampiir Elija ärkab keldris vaikselt ellu ja ta luud-kondid RAKSUVAD.
Damon nurub oma prutat, et kas tohib õlast hammustada. pruta ütleb, et "eeeeei, mu õlg on juba jõle rõve, lutsi verekotist". Damon mossitab.
ok, Klaus on kinda ugly...
ja tuleb välja, et Elija on Klausi vend ning aastal 1492. kinkis Elija Katarina oma vennale sünnipäevaks (?). täitsa kinki kink...
Elija viskab moodsat nalja ja ütleb.....OMG! (giggle. swoon)
Klausi ja Elija isa oli rikas maaomanik Ida-Euroopas. ma loodan, et nad on eestlased
Alaricujopes Klaus hakib Elena köögis porgandeid.
ahah, nüüd selgub muuseas, et vennad Klaus ja Elija on kirjutanud Piibli ja Klaus joonistas ükskord purjakil olles valmis maiade pühad taiesed, asteekide kalendri, roomlaste pühad pärgamendid ja aafrika iidsed koopajoonised jne.
Jenna, Stephen ja Alaricujopes Klaus söövad Elena köögis makarone. Stephen teeb Jennale oma krimpsus vampiirinägu ja see jookseb minema.
Tuleb välja, et mingit Päikese ja Kuu needust polegi olema. Neetud pole mitte kõik vampiirid ja libahundid vaid ainult Klaus. ohoooo...
Jenna-tädi on nüüd täitsa pasaks löönud suurest hirmust vampiiride ees. bfff.... kamoon! vampiirid on ilusad, romantilsied ja sädelevad päikese käes! eeeei.... oot.... ma tõesti loodan, et kohe-kohe selgub, et Jenna-tädi on nümf. pliiiiiiiiz! või vähemalt libapanter. krt, jälle vale muuvi....
ohoo, praegu vampiiri-Katariina on Alaricujope korteris kinni ja rüüpab pudelist viskit. põhi on juba suht peal. näitleja, kes teda mängib on vist mingi 17-aastane. pakun ma. TERVISEX!
hea muss on taustal. hmm.... huvitav, mis lugu on...
Klausi minionid veeretavad suures kohvris sisse tema päriskeha (mis on ugly molliga).
Elija pajatab, et Klaus on sohipoeg ja tema pärisisa on libahunt. täiesti pöörane...
AHAAAA! Klaus on Renesmee. sort of. ta on korraga vampiir JA libahunt. urrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... explains the ugly mug...
oh my... see on NELI korda parem kui tvailait! nii.... selgub, et Elija armastab Katariinat ja hakkab otsapidi vaikselt Elenasse armuma ja praegu sülgas Damon oma vend Stehpenile näkku, et tema armastab kah Elenat ja Stephen juba ammu armastab Elenat ja kui peaks mündi peale kihla vedama, siis ma pakuks, et ka libahunt-vampiir-Klaus armastab Elenat! wow...
AAAAH! nüüd vampiirivennad kaklevad naise pärast. kõik puha urinal ja hambad paljad! fight! fight! fight!
jap, nüüd Damon vihastas ja läks sõi oma pruudi ära.
ooolraidi.... Klaus vahetas nüüd oma jopet ja astub praegu suurest kirstust välja nagu mingi David Copperfield (siis see mustkunstnik). sonks on parem kui 1492. aastal.
keskel Klaus
ah krt! hia saade!
mõned pildid meie lemmikraamatust:
enam pole kaua jäänud!
seniks lõiguke janukustutuseks:
I’m wearing nothing but the pale blue lace panties that Taylor bought. I find a pale blue camisole and slip into it quickly. It will hide my bruises. Diving into the closet I pull out from the drawer Edward’s faded jeans – his playroom jeans, my favorite jeans. I fold them neatly, kneel by the bedroom door and wait.
Finally he reaches down and picks up his jeans. He says nothing, but heads into the walk-in closet, while I remain stock still. Oh my… this is it. My heart starts thundering and I relish the rush of adrenaline that spikes through my body. I squirm as my excitement builds. What will he do to me? A few moments later he’s back, wearing the jeans.
“So you want to play?” he murmurs.
He says nothing, and I risk a quick glance… up his jeans, his denim clad thighs, the soft bulge at his fly, the open button at the waist, his happy trail, his navel, his chiseled abdomen, his chest hair… his green eyes blazing, and his head cocked to one side. He’s arching an eyebrow. Oh shit.
“Yes what?” he whispers.
“Yes, Sir.”
His eyes darken and my breath hitches.
enam pole kaua jäänud!
seniks lõiguke janukustutuseks:
I’m wearing nothing but the pale blue lace panties that Taylor bought. I find a pale blue camisole and slip into it quickly. It will hide my bruises. Diving into the closet I pull out from the drawer Edward’s faded jeans – his playroom jeans, my favorite jeans. I fold them neatly, kneel by the bedroom door and wait.
The door opens. I look down at his bare feet as they pause on the threshold. Hmm. He says nothing… for ages he says nothing. Oh shit. I resist the urge to look up at him, and keep my eyes downcast.
“So you want to play?” he murmurs.
He says nothing, and I risk a quick glance… up his jeans, his denim clad thighs, the soft bulge at his fly, the open button at the waist, his happy trail, his navel, his chiseled abdomen, his chest hair… his green eyes blazing, and his head cocked to one side. He’s arching an eyebrow. Oh shit.
“Yes what?” he whispers.
“Yes, Sir.”
His eyes darken and my breath hitches.
"Okay, (deep breath) I f–ed xxxxx xxxxxx," he quipped. "I love him."
"So he wears lipstick, has a little bouffant, and does little circus acts as well,"
"I don't know how many more of these awards I can come up for because I think a little bit is coming out of my pants right now."
"So he wears lipstick, has a little bouffant, and does little circus acts as well,"
"I don't know how many more of these awards I can come up for because I think a little bit is coming out of my pants right now."
Looks like Rob got one over on you! Study up on all things RPattz at Celebrity Central, then try this quiz again!
ainult KOLM läks õigesti!
1. Brooke bluntly asks Steffy if she has any residual feelings for Bill (no ja DUUUUH!!!!!!!! Bill on Keiti mees, Liami isa!!!)
2. Because of the situation with Amber and her baby, Hope and Liam decide to go their separate ways and share an emotional goodbye. (you just not good for me, Bella!)
3. Fresh off her break-up with Liam, Hope is encouraged by Brooke to allow Oliver to comfort her. (Que Quowle, Bella!)
4. Stephanie and Taylor anticipate that the days are numbered for Brooke and Ridge’s marriage.
5. Katie demands to know if Bill was trying to kill Amber.
6. Oliver reveals to Hope that he still has feelings for her and will wait for her no matter how long it takes.
7.-9.. Hope reveals to Liam that she wants him to be her “first” and asks him to make love to her right then and there.
10. After a passionate kiss, she changes her mind and leaves.
11. Whip is BOTHERED when Taylor calls him and informs him that she’s in Paris with Ridge.
12. Katie reveals to Donna that she doesn’t know if she can remain married to Bill because of the secrets he’s kept from her.(yup, he’s a vhäpaier!)
Yeah, well, you stink like poop! I'm sure he's maaaaaaarvelous!
Witherspoon and Pattinson are a three-ring snooze-fest together, bringing little passion to a love story supposedly so fiery, it blows the roof off the big top.
The movie's lone star attraction is Christoph Waltz
As sadists go, this guy's an amateur next to Waltz's "Basterds" bad boy, but the actor is so talented, he commands every moment that he's on screen, further highlighting how dull fellow Oscar winner Witherspoon and "Twilight" heartthrob Pattinson are.
The romance is utterly predictable and uninvolving, with barely a spark igniting between Witherspoon and Pattinson.
The movie's lone star attraction is Christoph Waltz
As sadists go, this guy's an amateur next to Waltz's "Basterds" bad boy, but the actor is so talented, he commands every moment that he's on screen, further highlighting how dull fellow Oscar winner Witherspoon and "Twilight" heartthrob Pattinson are.
The romance is utterly predictable and uninvolving, with barely a spark igniting between Witherspoon and Pattinson.
Naisen vierailu oranssimiehen luo
Pam tulee tapaamaan oranssiformuista Stepheniä vankilaan ja kertoo kauneimmasta tunteestaan koskaan: hän ja häneen rakastunut mies. Hän on mieskokemuksensa kirkastama nainen - karaisemakin, sillä myös ristiriitaisia tunteita on. Kertooko hän niistäkin? Kertooko hän, miltä tuntuu, kun mies puhuu ensin kauniita ja yllyttää sitten tekemään rumia - ampumaan oman siskon? Mitä tietoja Stephen on saanut viranomaisilta vankila-ajastaan? Brooke on paniikissa olettaessaan Steffyn tietävän koko seksisalaisuuden ja vievän sen myös Stephanien korviin. Pelko on aiheellinen, sillä Steffy vihjaa isoäidilleen, että pian heillä olisi mehevä valtti, jolla Logan-perhe saataisiin mäkeen. Brooke ja Oliver miettivät tapaa säilyttää arkaluontoinen salaisuutensa.
1. Before the wedding, Donna, Brooke and Katie reminisce about their late mother and brother who will be missed on this special day. A surprise out-of-town guest arrives just in time for the nuptials.
2. Thomas reveals to Ridge that he has a special woman in his life.
3. Nick is having difficulties dealing with his addiction and is taking out his irritability on everyone around him.
4. The Bold and the Beautiful celebrates its 6000th episode.
5. Thomas finds himself suddenly attracted to Dayzee (tänavalt leitud kodutu) and begins to flirt with her.
6. When her family welcomes her back, Steffy informs them that she has her eye on a special someone
7. Liam demands that Amber give him the details of the night that he supposedly got her pregnant.
8. Liam’s doctor informs his family that his injuries may be even more life-threatening due to a head trauma that he recently suffered.
9. As he learns more about the accident, Bill becomes convinced that Amber intentionally tried to kill Liam.
2. Thomas reveals to Ridge that he has a special woman in his life.
3. Nick is having difficulties dealing with his addiction and is taking out his irritability on everyone around him.
4. The Bold and the Beautiful celebrates its 6000th episode.
5. Thomas finds himself suddenly attracted to Dayzee (tänavalt leitud kodutu) and begins to flirt with her.
6. When her family welcomes her back, Steffy informs them that she has her eye on a special someone
7. Liam demands that Amber give him the details of the night that he supposedly got her pregnant.
8. Liam’s doctor informs his family that his injuries may be even more life-threatening due to a head trauma that he recently suffered.
9. As he learns more about the accident, Bill becomes convinced that Amber intentionally tried to kill Liam.
Stefanja&Dayzee&mingi-rändom-nahkvest (seksüüü)
Nii palju on öelda! 10
“For some reason I think the shape of my body … my ass is constantly hanging out"
There was one with the zebras. They’re a lot smarter than horses, and you cannot control them. They’re impossible to tame. If you tie them down, they just drag the rope out, and if they didn’t drag the rope out, they just keep kicking anything around. One of them pulled away and ran toward me. It was part of the scene and I got out of the way. I found out afterwards that everyone thought I was a pussy for getting out of the way. Apparently Christoph [Waltz] had gotten in front of Reese [Witherspoon] and other actresses in apparently protecting them. I was just like, “Really? Christoph was going to risk his life for the scene? Why didn’t he just get out of the way?” I watched back the playback and Reese just grabbed Christoph and used him as a shield from the zebra. It’s very funny, and he’s going around claiming like, “Yeah, I just ran in front of them. [Laughs] The zebra was not going to get past me.”
EI: That brings me to what the director says about you. It’s hard to find a man of 23-24 and who is too young for the part. So he says, “Rob was already a man – thoughtful, intelligent, empathetic, strong, and confident.” What can you identify with, and what makes a man a man?
RP: I always just think if you’re comfortable in who you are, then that’s it. I don’t know if people ever really are but if you can be a man, I guess that’s what I see being a man or whatever to be.
If you’re doing films, I do feel like you get stuck in little time bubbles, especially with the fame thing as well, where you’re not meeting new people. I never meet anyone. Also, you have to have the same conversation all the time. Everyone who to talks to you — you just have the same conversation pretty much
You see/hear people’s different perspectives on things, but you’ve got to go through the same trivial bullshit every time you’re talking to them. Eventually it does affect your mind. You don’t actually know how to have a conversation with people about anything else. If someone’s not talking about you, you’ll like, “Uh!” [Laughs]
One thing I found: if you are going to do a film, for instance — not just as an actor, and you’re forcing yourself, like you have to go to meetings and people have to treat you as an actual engineer in the process… That’s why I want to do that and just be… If you’re producing or something, but in a genuine level, not as a vanity credit or anything, where people actually have to come to you with their problems, then you kind of bring it back again. But if you’re just an actor, it’s so funny because people feel like they just have to hide everything from you all the time. It’s like, “Oh, don’t let them get upset about anything,” which is so bizarre. You’re like a little bird. You’ve got like security around you all the time.
EI: When Jacob sees Marlena, he falls in love with her immediately. Do you believe in love at first sight?
RP: Yeah, completely.
EI: Did that ever happen to you?
RP: A lot … I would have thought the majority of people who think they’re in love with someone, I think it’s the first time they see them. I mean the first time they really see them anyway, I think.
EI: How do you know that you are in love? What kind of a feeling is that for you?
RP: I don’t know. It’s impossible to answer.
EI: When you were young, did you go to see the circus? Were you fascinated with the life of the circus, or not?
RP: I wasn’t really; my sister was. She always was one of these kids who wanted to run away with the circus. When I was a kid, I went once in my life. The little car which the clowns were on, the door blew off and I think it broke one of the clown’s legs or something. My sister turned around to me said, “That clown just died.” She’s a little bit older than me, and I was like, “Huh?” I was looking down at the clown the on the floor, and they had to carry him off the stage. I thought, up until I was about 21 — that was my only experience of a circus — that the clown died. Then my mum heard me telling someone, and she was like, “The clown didn’t die. What are you talking about? He just fell off the car.”
It’s funny, just being tired all the time. I’m so terrified that I’m not going to remember anything in my life. I’ve been doing a job for six months, I can’t remember a single day of the shoot.
EI: What kind of dog, and what’s the name?
RP: Doesn’t have a name yet, but he’s very… I’ve only had him two or three days. He’s just a mutt. I don’t even know. He’s looks like a hyena.
EI: Logistically, it must be so difficult. You can probably not walk down the street here, and maybe it’s a little bit easier in England, but it must be difficult to have a life that private…
RP: I don’t like people taking my photo ever. Even before all of this, I didn’t want my mum take my photo…
EI: And then you chose to become an actor…
RP: On set, I don’t mind it at all. It’s weird. But I’d be avoiding it no matter what. I always have, since people started following around. The only thing that stresses me out is people follow me around. So I put in a lot of effort to make sure that I have a life, because if you don’t think about it, you’re going to have people trying to make money off you all the time. If people can make money by just waiting outside my house and following me, people will lurk forever — lurk 24 hours a day, so you’ve got to put in the effort to make that not happen.
EI: What would you do to stop that happening?
RP: Shoot. [Laughs]
A lot of the difficulty in doing the Twilight movies is that you never sweat. Your face has to be so defined all the time, because even if you make too big expressions, it ends up looking like kabuki, so you are very constrained all the time.
I’m sort of based everywhere. I live in hotels, but I love to do theater. I think, just right now, I couldn’t imagine it being a good experience really because I just couldn’t imagine it being anything other than people constantly taking photos and stuff. I don’t know. I think it’s too much for me to take. I need to have that separation. There’s too much energy in an audience. It’s not just an energy which is waiting to be shown or something — it’s an energy which is wanting to grab. I don’t think it would really work.
EI: Will you be at the Royal wedding?
RP: Yeah. It’s funny — everyone has made such a big deal about it. I didn’t even realize it was happening until I saw her on TV every single day here. It’s crazy.
EI: Are you excited about it?
RP: Yeah…kind of.
There was one with the zebras. They’re a lot smarter than horses, and you cannot control them. They’re impossible to tame. If you tie them down, they just drag the rope out, and if they didn’t drag the rope out, they just keep kicking anything around. One of them pulled away and ran toward me. It was part of the scene and I got out of the way. I found out afterwards that everyone thought I was a pussy for getting out of the way. Apparently Christoph [Waltz] had gotten in front of Reese [Witherspoon] and other actresses in apparently protecting them. I was just like, “Really? Christoph was going to risk his life for the scene? Why didn’t he just get out of the way?” I watched back the playback and Reese just grabbed Christoph and used him as a shield from the zebra. It’s very funny, and he’s going around claiming like, “Yeah, I just ran in front of them. [Laughs] The zebra was not going to get past me.”
EI: That brings me to what the director says about you. It’s hard to find a man of 23-24 and who is too young for the part. So he says, “Rob was already a man – thoughtful, intelligent, empathetic, strong, and confident.” What can you identify with, and what makes a man a man?
RP: I always just think if you’re comfortable in who you are, then that’s it. I don’t know if people ever really are but if you can be a man, I guess that’s what I see being a man or whatever to be.
If you’re doing films, I do feel like you get stuck in little time bubbles, especially with the fame thing as well, where you’re not meeting new people. I never meet anyone. Also, you have to have the same conversation all the time. Everyone who to talks to you — you just have the same conversation pretty much
You see/hear people’s different perspectives on things, but you’ve got to go through the same trivial bullshit every time you’re talking to them. Eventually it does affect your mind. You don’t actually know how to have a conversation with people about anything else. If someone’s not talking about you, you’ll like, “Uh!” [Laughs]
One thing I found: if you are going to do a film, for instance — not just as an actor, and you’re forcing yourself, like you have to go to meetings and people have to treat you as an actual engineer in the process… That’s why I want to do that and just be… If you’re producing or something, but in a genuine level, not as a vanity credit or anything, where people actually have to come to you with their problems, then you kind of bring it back again. But if you’re just an actor, it’s so funny because people feel like they just have to hide everything from you all the time. It’s like, “Oh, don’t let them get upset about anything,” which is so bizarre. You’re like a little bird. You’ve got like security around you all the time.
EI: When Jacob sees Marlena, he falls in love with her immediately. Do you believe in love at first sight?
RP: Yeah, completely.
EI: Did that ever happen to you?
RP: A lot … I would have thought the majority of people who think they’re in love with someone, I think it’s the first time they see them. I mean the first time they really see them anyway, I think.
EI: How do you know that you are in love? What kind of a feeling is that for you?
RP: I don’t know. It’s impossible to answer.
EI: When you were young, did you go to see the circus? Were you fascinated with the life of the circus, or not?
RP: I wasn’t really; my sister was. She always was one of these kids who wanted to run away with the circus. When I was a kid, I went once in my life. The little car which the clowns were on, the door blew off and I think it broke one of the clown’s legs or something. My sister turned around to me said, “That clown just died.” She’s a little bit older than me, and I was like, “Huh?” I was looking down at the clown the on the floor, and they had to carry him off the stage. I thought, up until I was about 21 — that was my only experience of a circus — that the clown died. Then my mum heard me telling someone, and she was like, “The clown didn’t die. What are you talking about? He just fell off the car.”
It’s funny, just being tired all the time. I’m so terrified that I’m not going to remember anything in my life. I’ve been doing a job for six months, I can’t remember a single day of the shoot.
EI: What kind of dog, and what’s the name?
RP: Doesn’t have a name yet, but he’s very… I’ve only had him two or three days. He’s just a mutt. I don’t even know. He’s looks like a hyena.
EI: Logistically, it must be so difficult. You can probably not walk down the street here, and maybe it’s a little bit easier in England, but it must be difficult to have a life that private…
RP: I don’t like people taking my photo ever. Even before all of this, I didn’t want my mum take my photo…
EI: And then you chose to become an actor…
RP: On set, I don’t mind it at all. It’s weird. But I’d be avoiding it no matter what. I always have, since people started following around. The only thing that stresses me out is people follow me around. So I put in a lot of effort to make sure that I have a life, because if you don’t think about it, you’re going to have people trying to make money off you all the time. If people can make money by just waiting outside my house and following me, people will lurk forever — lurk 24 hours a day, so you’ve got to put in the effort to make that not happen.
EI: What would you do to stop that happening?
RP: Shoot. [Laughs]
A lot of the difficulty in doing the Twilight movies is that you never sweat. Your face has to be so defined all the time, because even if you make too big expressions, it ends up looking like kabuki, so you are very constrained all the time.
I’m sort of based everywhere. I live in hotels, but I love to do theater. I think, just right now, I couldn’t imagine it being a good experience really because I just couldn’t imagine it being anything other than people constantly taking photos and stuff. I don’t know. I think it’s too much for me to take. I need to have that separation. There’s too much energy in an audience. It’s not just an energy which is waiting to be shown or something — it’s an energy which is wanting to grab. I don’t think it would really work.
EI: Will you be at the Royal wedding?
RP: Yeah. It’s funny — everyone has made such a big deal about it. I didn’t even realize it was happening until I saw her on TV every single day here. It’s crazy.
EI: Are you excited about it?
RP: Yeah…kind of.
Olet kaunis puolimärkine höyrypäinesi, Brooke!
Ridge ja Brooke viettävät paljasta laatuaikaa muotitalon saunakylpylässä. Höyryävät suudelmat, putoavat pyyhkeet ja vaakasuorat vartalot ovat lauteilla heidän maneereitaan, mutta vaikuttavia sellaisia. Brooke on kaunis puolimärät hiukset otsalta poissa. "Rakastan rakastaa sinua", hän kuiskaa Ridgelle. Oliver kieltää Brooke-tanssipartneriuden, mutta Steffy sanoo, että ehkä rouva vain käytti Oliveria hyväkseen, niin kuin kaikkia muitakin miehiään. Oliver pyytää unohtamaan koko jutun, ja lähtee sitten infoamaan Brookea uudesta tiedosta. Mitä Stephanie suunnittelee riitaisien Logan- ja Forrester-sukujen välille? Mikä osuus pidätetyllä Stephen Loganilla on niissä?
Ihan totta kaikki!
1. Tawny (Ämbri ema) continues her attempt at convincing Amber to pass her baby off as Liam’s child and to not inform Oliver that he’s the real father
2. Owen asks Nick to be his best man in his and Jackie’s vow renewal ceremony.
3. Thomas sets Madison (sekretär) straight about the current state of their relationship.
4. Taylor feels that it is only a matter of time before Brooke will go after Thomas, and that he may be too vulnerable to stop it.
5. On the jet to Paris, Thomas grapples with the growing feelings that he’s having for his stepmother.
7. Ridge doesn’t receive much encouragement from Eric and Thorne when they both recall their fond love affairs with Brooke, hinting that Thomas could be the next Forrester to fall for Brooke.
Olen Thomas Forrester – rikas, tuuhea ja terve mies.
8. Amber wakes up in bed with her latest “friend with benefits.”
9. Nick receives startling information about his health.
10. Donna confesses to Katie about her loneliness and who she feels is “the one who got away.” Katie has an idea about how to reunite Donna with her true love.
11. Amber moves into the trailer park with Tawny and her multitude of cats.
12. Donna pays a visit to Eric to share with him the good news about her and Justin getting married. She leaves him with a special memento to fondly remember their marriage by
Nii palju on öelda! 9
I was in New Mexico doing a road trip across the states with my friends.
I didn’t get recognized at first, but then a woman recognized one of
my friends because he was next to me in a paparazzi picture
— from two years ago!
Literally, we were in the middle of nowhere and this woman
turns around and screams, ‘Aren’t you Robert Pattinson’s friends?’
Then her head turned again and she looked at me. She was in utter shock.
This took place at a fairground outside of nowhere and I thought
we’d have to find her an ambulance, which wouldn’t have been easy.
and who's that southern belle?
Sitä salaisuuttako ei löytäisi salainen agenttikaan?
Nuoret allasjuhlijat katsovat Pose-videota. Hope on sitä mieltä, että siinä tanssivat äiti ja isä. Steffy päättelee, että eroottisesti kiemurteleva pariskunta on Oliver ja Brooke. Marcus sanoo, että ei, kyllä siinä ovat Brooke ja Ridge. Salaisen agentin sitkeydellä toimiva Steffy menee väittämään Oliverille, että tämän tanssipartneri oli Hopen juhlissa selvästikin Brooke. Pojalta putoavat CD-levyt lattialle. "Sainpas sinut", tyttö iloitsee avattuaan tarkoin varjellun salaisuuden.
Ihan totta kaikki!
Pitsilised romantikud
780 milli ja miljon nuttymaadamit hiljem saab rob musu ikka kuidagi vägisi ja rüseledes
aaa.... ok... siis küll...
very plush and highly refined
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