tänane wtf moment...
Eesti Vedelik - Tule! Vaata! Imesta! (Peale ürituse algust välja enam ei pääse)
hea mõte
kahjuks on fake, aga mõnda aega enamus ikkagi uskusid!
just a publicity stunt for a company that makes gifts using Facebook profile pictures
You guys, we’ve been insensitive.
We never even stopped to think about how all the love for “The Twilight Saga” might be hurting the precious fee-fees of our local Hollywood bro squad! And when we caught up with “Horrible Bosses” stars Jason Bateman and Charlie Day, they weren’t afraid to tell us just how deeply wounded they were.
Charlie looked similarly miffed—and no wonder, ’cause he’s keeping careful track of just how slighted they’ve been by the crowd’s general preference for Englishmen. “Fifteen Brits,” he complained. “Why do we let them in here? They win all our awards, they get all our acting jobs… you know, I COULD BE A VAMPIRE.”
“Pattinson’s accent—is it real?” asked Jason. “Because I heard Boca.”
“I’m pretty sure he’s from Van Nuys,” Charlie chimed in.
tuletan meelde, et Kristen ja Taylor Lautner olid teel Pariisi ning nende lennuk kukkus alla. Üksikule saarele!
The chances of finding Kristen and Taylor Lautner alive become more and more slim as the day comes to an end. When the hunt for Kristen and Taylor Lautner is called off by the official search and rescue team, Robert refuses to give up and heads out on his own search.
Emotional from their search, Aro Volturi and Rosalie exchange loving feelings for each other.
While Aro Volturi is away helping to find Kristen and Taylor Lautner, Jessica Stanley has a change of heart about her marriage. Aro Volturi and Rosalie discuss their future now that they have exchanged their true feelings for each other.
Edward attempts to thwart any further intimacy between Bella and Keiti Hender
Rosalie expresses to Aro Volturi that she refuses to give up on him now that she knows his true feelings for her. Aro Volturi is taken aback when she reveals she wants to be his wife.
Huilen gives Leah advice about how to bait Keiti Hender into her clutches for good, by using her baby as an emotional hook.
Assuming that he’s hiding something, Rosalie grills Taylor Lautner about what really happened on the island with Kristen
Edward is extremely heartbroken that Bella is still not able to move on with him while getting over Keiti Hender.
The media, as well as the CULLEN family, are confused by Kristen’s sudden erratic behavior and incomprehensible speech.
While being interrogated by Jane Volturi, Kristen has flashbacks about what transpired between her and Taylor Lautner.
The wind is let out of Pancho’s sails after Jane Volturi is unresponsive to his advances towards her, and then mistakenly refers to Robert as her husband.
Jane Volturi unknowingly stumbles across a souvenir that Taylor Lautner had secretly brought home from the island.
During a clandestine meeting, Rosalie makes it clear to Aro Volturi that she will not give up on him until she is his one and only.
Jane Volturi experiences hallucinations after mistakenly ingesting a small amount of the island berries. Pancho misreads Jane Volturi’s hallucinations as amorousness and plays along, not knowing that she is flashing back to a special moment in time with Robert.
Jane Volturi accuses Kristen of intentionally seducing Taylor Lautner and threatens to have her prosecuted. After pointing out that Kristen ruined her marriage by having an inappropriate relationship with Taylor Lautner, Jane Volturi states that now it’s her turn with Robert.
The chances of finding Kristen and Taylor Lautner alive become more and more slim as the day comes to an end. When the hunt for Kristen and Taylor Lautner is called off by the official search and rescue team, Robert refuses to give up and heads out on his own search.
Robert and Jane Volturi begin their own search for their loved ones from an old fishing boat.
Emotional from their search, Aro Volturi and Rosalie exchange loving feelings for each other.
While Aro Volturi is away helping to find Kristen and Taylor Lautner, Jessica Stanley has a change of heart about her marriage. Aro Volturi and Rosalie discuss their future now that they have exchanged their true feelings for each other.
Edward attempts to thwart any further intimacy between Bella and Keiti Hender
Edward attempts to thwart
After seeing how quickly a loved one could be lost, Renesmee and Jacob Black express their undying love for each other.
Rosalie expresses to Aro Volturi that she refuses to give up on him now that she knows his true feelings for her. Aro Volturi is taken aback when she reveals she wants to be his wife.
Huilen gives Leah advice about how to bait Keiti Hender into her clutches for good, by using her baby as an emotional hook.
emotional hook
Assuming that he’s hiding something, Rosalie grills Taylor Lautner about what really happened on the island with Kristen
Edward is extremely heartbroken that Bella is still not able to move on with him while getting over Keiti Hender.
Edward is extremely heartbroken
The media, as well as the CULLEN family, are confused by Kristen’s sudden erratic behavior and incomprehensible speech.
While being interrogated by Jane Volturi, Kristen has flashbacks about what transpired between her and Taylor Lautner.
The wind is let out of Pancho’s sails after Jane Volturi is unresponsive to his advances towards her, and then mistakenly refers to Robert as her husband.
mistakenly refers to Robert as her husband
Jane Volturi unknowingly stumbles across a souvenir that Taylor Lautner had secretly brought home from the island.
souvenir from the island
During a clandestine meeting, Rosalie makes it clear to Aro Volturi that she will not give up on him until she is his one and only.
Jane Volturi experiences hallucinations after mistakenly ingesting a small amount of the island berries. Pancho misreads Jane Volturi’s hallucinations as amorousness and plays along, not knowing that she is flashing back to a special moment in time with Robert.
island berry
When Robert explains how the berries acted as an aphrodisiac on Jane Volturi, Kristen assures him that she did not receive the same effect.yes, she did
Jane Volturi accuses Kristen of intentionally seducing Taylor Lautner and threatens to have her prosecuted. After pointing out that Kristen ruined her marriage by having an inappropriate relationship with Taylor Lautner, Jane Volturi states that now it’s her turn with Robert.
Britains got talent Winner
minu jaoks on igatahes võitja selgunud! nii kiired käed! mul on seda vaadates närvid täiesti tükkideks rebitud! pinevusest!
You alone can make my song take flight - help me make the music of the night!
ma tean ühte, kes sobiks ideaalselt sinna muusikali!
ja siis ma tahaks veel lisada, et...
yeah! yes, I do!
You alone can make my song take flight - help me make the music of the night!
ma tean ühte, kes sobiks ideaalselt sinna muusikali!
ja siis ma tahaks veel lisada, et...
yeah! yes, I do!
Robert rakastaa tytärtään
Nikk Makarone pyytää kaikkia Renesmeeläisiä tekemään parhaansa, jotta Alicein äitiysloma pystyttäisiin korvaamaan ja saamaan firmaan taas höyryä. Esimerkiksi Leahin piirtämät luomukset kelpaisivat tuotantoon asti. Skandaaleja Nikk ei halua. Renesmee kysyy, oliko tuo kaikki rohkaisupuhetta heille firmalaisille vai vain Nikkille itselleen. Lisäksi Renesmee uskoo poikansa kaipaavan vanhaa kunnon Kristenia. Robert tekee äitinsä ja tyttärensä painostuksen alla itsenäisen päätöksen: Kristen jää yhtiöön ja he kaikki työskentelisivät tiiminä. Kristen yrittää olla kiltti Rosalielle Robertin ohjeiden mukaan, mutta tämä torjuu ystävällisyyden. "Harmonisesta yhteistyöstämme ei tule koskaan mitään. Olet aina ollut minun ja isäni välissä", hän toteaa. Kristen sanoo, että Robert rakastaa tytärtään eikä tämän tarvitsisi taistella eikä kilpailla.
Leahin piirtämä luomus:

Skandaaleja Nikk ei halua:

vanhaa kunnon Kristen:
"Harmonisesta yhteistyöstämme ei tule koskaan mitään":

Ja jällegi - ihan totta kaikki!
Hello Pahbiir,
This is a follow up email to my voicemail from earlier this evening for which I wish to apologise.
Falsetto is not my natural singing voice.
I altered the words slightly to Katy Perry’s song although, as Bahbiir probably told you, I did, in fact, kiss a boy. I did not, however, like it particularly. As you well know it is not the first time that I have kissed a boy (all for the craft, Pahbiir). I must say that Taylor has quite soft lips but I still much prefer snogging with Slugger.
It was a long evening. I wish to blame the fact that I may have been suffering delayed jet lag from the Water For Elephants international press junket – having launched straight from that into filming Cosmopolis - plus eating incredibly high levels of protein and minimal carbohydrates. But let’s face it, in reality I was completely shit faced.
I don’t know what the big deal is about me swearing? We all know that I learnt the craft from you - but I guess when you let free in the living room it isn’t posted instantly on YouTube.
I would also like to point out that mixing vodka with beer is not such a good idea and never (and I mean NEVER) throw vodka around unless you are completely clothed.
WhereWasRob App
Rob kliinis eile MTV muuviavaardidel enamvähem kõik plaksmaisid omale. jep... isegi best fight, mis (kui lubate) oli küll üks leimimaid kaklusi, mida ma olen näinud. olen isegi ägedamalt kakelnud. tean ühte, kes oleks kehasse virutanud nii, et maa must... aga nojah... võitis see:
siis leidis aset järgmine episood:
"I bit your head off..and now you're pregnant."
- cut to Kristen's "OMFG, what is he saying?" face
kui jõudis kätte aeg ulatada vanale Riisile elutööauhind ei hoidnud Rob kiidusõnade pealt kokku. esmalt teatas ta uhkelt, et 7 aastat tagasi mängis Riis tema ema ja nüüd armastatut. kui kõik naerda kihistasid, siis hõikas Rob, et "but I did fuck her!" nojah... ja tõsi on.... you did...
siis õhtu lõpetuseks ütles Kristen Robile HONEY (njuuuutz) ja Rob teatas, et "I want to take you backstage"
siis leidis aset järgmine episood:
"I bit your head off..and now you're pregnant."
— | Robert Pattinson (To Bryce Dallas Howard at the MTV Movie Awards When Winning Best Fight Scene) |
kui jõudis kätte aeg ulatada vanale Riisile elutööauhind ei hoidnud Rob kiidusõnade pealt kokku. esmalt teatas ta uhkelt, et 7 aastat tagasi mängis Riis tema ema ja nüüd armastatut. kui kõik naerda kihistasid, siis hõikas Rob, et "but I did fuck her!" nojah... ja tõsi on.... you did...
siis õhtu lõpetuseks ütles Kristen Robile HONEY (njuuuutz) ja Rob teatas, et "I want to take you backstage"
Best Kiss Winner
ses mõttes, et.... seda ei osanud küll keegi ette näha ega selle peale kihla vedada ja mulle üldse tundub selline viimasel hetkel uue võistleja sissetoomine kuidagi kohatu ja anyway.... nagunii oli miski pedede vandenõu.
meie igatahes toetame endiselt oma kandidaati!
Jacob & Edward
ja me usumegi seda, sest vahel tõesti mõni ongi kohe nii loll
WhereIsRob App 8
nüüd jäi küll väike vahe sisse, sest ma olen praegu nimelt ühel lõunamere saarel ning valmistun kohe kohe koos kohaliku printsiga ühte väga clässisse ja salapärasesse restosse ujuma, aga mida siis Rob on teinud vahepeal. not much, not much... tema ja ta holy ball filmisid ikka väsimatult Torontos.
väike lõiguke tulevast:
They did not get serious about undressing until they were finished making love.
"I'm a world citizen with a New York pair of balls," he said hoisting his genitals in his hand.
Ootan! Kannatamatult!
samal ajal toimus MTV-s meie tavaline reedeõhtune koosviibimine:
Kristen temaga koos ei lennanud, sest... noh, tead isegi...
Rob on siis praegu LA-s, kus ta loodab võita auhinna kategoorias, millest võitja on juba selgunud
hakkan ujuma!
väike lõiguke tulevast:
A minute later he was in her apartment.
She put a hand to his chest, self-dramatically, to determine he was here and real. Then they began
to stumble and clutch, working toward the bedroom. They hit the doorpost and bounced. One of her shoes began to angle off but she could not shake free and he had to kick it away. He pressed her
against the wall drawing, a minimalist grid executed over several weeks by two of the artist's adjutants working with measuring instruments and graphite pencils.
"I'm a world citizen with a New York pair of balls," he said hoisting his genitals in his hand.
Ootan! Kannatamatult!
samal ajal toimus MTV-s meie tavaline reedeõhtune koosviibimine:
näed? isegi vabad kohad on jäetud vahele. meile.
neil oli nimelt plaan, et Rob võiks ulatada Riisile elutöö auhinna. ma tahaks teada, mitu korda võib ühte ja sama nalja teha?
siis MTV lõbustas ennast mänguga, mida me polegi vist veel mänginud, aga minu esimene mõte oleks olnud üsna sarnane. STINKY! no ja siis muidugi, et Great Eyebrows, Real Good Volume On That Young Kid's Hair. yes!
Igatahes seepeale Rob tõmbas omale selga (pane kaustikusse kirja) sellesama vana jopi ja nokaka ja asus teele...
Nii et jah....
ja enne kui pisarad ja ila voolama hakkavad.... üks tõeliselt kriipi pilt kah.
vampire shit
Avalik post-it Selena Gomezile
ma ei teagi, kumb jpg jubedam on. igatahes, lõpetage ära. fyi. mina olen vana kooli mees, dresspluusi jalga ei pane ja usun, et kui eluaasta algab 1-ga, siis peab amelema kodus (oma või vanemate voodis), kinos või auto tagaistmel pehmel baikatekil nagu jaan. kes on vanem, aga has some siiriouz clässsss!
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