

50-year-old Frank Hannibal was arrested at LaGuardia Airport after an ill-timed gag about a jar of Crazy Richard’s peanut butter he was carrying.
In a complaint filed in Brooklyn Federal Court, Hannibal describes how the airport screener became confused over the layer of oil on top of his gourmet peanut butter. Hannibal was ordered out of line for a more thorough pat-down, which is when he sarcastically remarked to his wife and six-year-old twin daughters:
“They’re looking to confiscate my explosives.”
Hannibal quickly discovered TSA officials don’t have much of a sense of a humor. He was cuffed and led out of LaGuardia and promptly spent 25 hours in a lockup.


tvailait on surnud, elagu tvailait!

Bella Swan Lena Duchannes on hoopis teistsugune kui kõik, keda Forksi Gatlini väikelinnas eales nähtud, ja ta näeb kõvasti vaeva, et varjata oma võimeid ning needust, mis on tema suguvõsa kummitanud juba mitu põlve.

The medow

Edward Cullenit Ethan Wate’i hakkavad painama unenäod tüdrukust, keda ta pole kunagi kohanud. Kui Bella Lena kolib elama linna kõige kurikuulsamasse häärberisse, kisub mingi arusaamatu jõud teda tüdruku poole....

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NB! Palun ajalehe väljalõiget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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