Eesti Vedelik - Tule! Vaata! Imesta! (Peale ürituse algust välja enam ei pääse)
Kõik kandideerima! Käpet!
A Romanian TV show
«Dracula Tour Challenge» is an adventure competition show in which foreign participants are brought to Transylvania to confront the myth of Dracula and the evil spirits that lurk in this land. The purpose of the show is two-fold. One, to create an entertaining, frightening and thrilling competition for viewers. And two, to provide a unique history of vampires, Dracula and other mythical monsters that originated in this extraordinary area.
kõhunägu ja ditto
ma ütlen, et kui juba liikida, siis pole mõtet sellist seasilma sokutada vaatamiseks inimestele (mõnitate?), ikka selline suur, korralik, seljasuurune jurakas:
igatahes, ärge meile enam neid pilte saatke. Sina ka, Edgar. me oleme juba kõik ära näinud. aitäh! ja kerige nüüd peenusesse oma tiinepettinguga. meil on ikkagi clässi blogi. praegugi istume ooperikindad käes ja joome Dom Perignon White Gold Jeroboami. Pudelist. per moll.
üks küsimus mul, siiski oleks: keegi, kes on raamatu PÕHJALIKULT läbi lugenud võiks öelda, kes see siin kägikallit saab? sest kui see on jaakob, siis õu mai gaad, kus ta pidi jälle short sticki tõmbama, et mopp pähe tagasi suruti. kaad dääm...
aga jällegi.... siin on jupp mehest, kes istub praegu kodus oma esika smoki peal, joob plastpudelist longerot ja mõtleb, et näe, kuidas oskarivõitjast sai üleöö tvailaidikuti saidkikk. pärast harjutab ta vannitoas peegli ees, kuidas ilma nutmata vastata küsimusele, kas ta on juba näinud, kuidas vampiir mööblit lõhub (kesktõuget):
aah, see oli hea film. nom nom nom.
nüüd, poisid, haarab igaüks oma tiskopulgast ja lets jump!
over and out
vampire shit
Lilleke pasameres aka kultuuriminut
Kuna meil on lastekirjandusele pühendatud blogi, siis soovitan kuulata tänast Vikerraadio Kultuurikaja. Borderline fantastico!
Ma ütleks, et vanaaegse interneti kirjeldus, kas sa ei leia, mu õpetatud sõber?
Harms: lastekirjanik, kes vihkas lapsi.
"Nüüd sellest, kuidas neitsisid mehele panna. See on minu arust veelgi lihtsam. Seaksin sisse ühiskondliku saali, kuhu, ütleme, kord kuus koguneks kogu noorus: kõik alates 17 kuni 35-eluaastani peaksid ennast alasti võtma ja pikki saali jalutama. Kui keegi kellelegi meeldib, eraldub see paar nurga taha ja uurib seal teinetest juba detailsemalt. Unustasin öelda, et kõigil peab kaelas rippuma kaardike nime ja aadressiga."
Ma ütleks, et vanaaegse interneti kirjeldus, kas sa ei leia, mu õpetatud sõber?
minuga on kõik korras
duuh, ei pea kohe muretsema. eilne õhtu läks pikale ja ma olen lihtsalt sutike beaking

wait, wha... fu... mis mul kintsu... MINA ENAM EI JOO

wait, wha... fu... mis mul kintsu... MINA ENAM EI JOO
Nii palju on öelda! 4
Wild animals, trains, dwarfs and acrobats. This is what Robert Pattinson’s life has turned into: a circus.
“I hate this story, it makes me look old (laughs). We met in a movie. I was 24 and they needed a younger woman that had a child." Reese blushes joking with Pattinson to whom she cedes the floor. “She was my mom,” he comments between laughter, “it was in Vanity Fair.”
On the other hand, she finds herself in the middle of an abusive relationship from her husband, and Rob’s character (Pattinson) makes her see that there are better things out there and that it’s possible to have a better life.”
Mulle meeldib, et nüüd on siis Robi tegelaskuju juba Pattinson. true, true...
“I hate this story, it makes me look old (laughs). We met in a movie. I was 24 and they needed a younger woman that had a child." Reese blushes joking with Pattinson to whom she cedes the floor. “She was my mom,” he comments between laughter, “it was in Vanity Fair.”
On the other hand, she finds herself in the middle of an abusive relationship from her husband, and Rob’s character (Pattinson) makes her see that there are better things out there and that it’s possible to have a better life.”
Mulle meeldib, et nüüd on siis Robi tegelaskuju juba Pattinson. true, true...
Elle Girl: Hi, Rob! Let’s talk about love.
Robert: Oh, again. (smiling) Ok, you can. What’s interesting about that?
Robert: Oh, again. (smiling) Ok, you can. What’s interesting about that?
EG: Your character in WFE fell in love from the first sight. Do you believe in love like that?
R: Of course
R: Of course
EG: Did it happen to you?
R: Million times. I actually think that most people fell in love at the moment when they saw their love for the first time.
R: Million times. I actually think that most people fell in love at the moment when they saw their love for the first time.
EG: And how can you tell that you fall in love?
R: I can’t answer that. Really. I don’t know. You have very hard questions.
R: I can’t answer that. Really. I don’t know. You have very hard questions.
EG: Robert!
R: How can you describe love? If you love someone then you think that this person is the best in the world, don’t you? But if she doesn’t think that way about herself?? I think, the whole point to make her believe that she’s perfect, the most beautiful.
R: How can you describe love? If you love someone then you think that this person is the best in the world, don’t you? But if she doesn’t think that way about herself?? I think, the whole point to make her believe that she’s perfect, the most beautiful.
EG: In the movie your and Reese’s characters has a secret love. About you and your private life?
R: Oh, if it was me, I would do everything to make private life just for 2 people.You know, when I was 12, I asked a girl for a date for the 1st time. The next everybody was like: ‘Are you going out with her?’ And I was like: ‘Oh God’. I never talked to this girl ever.
R: Oh, if it was me, I would do everything to make private life just for 2 people.You know, when I was 12, I asked a girl for a date for the 1st time. The next everybody was like: ‘Are you going out with her?’ And I was like: ‘Oh God’. I never talked to this girl ever.
EG: Is it easier for you now?
R: What private life with all these paparazzi around? They don’t care, they make money. You know, I hate being photographed. Even before all of this [fame] I hated it, even when my mom took pictures of me.
R: What private life with all these paparazzi around? They don’t care, they make money. You know, I hate being photographed. Even before all of this [fame] I hated it, even when my mom took pictures of me.
EG: Are you tired of fans?
R: No, it’s all good, fans, love, of course, if it’s about me. But I feel like it’s all about character, not real Rob.
R: No, it’s all good, fans, love, of course, if it’s about me. But I feel like it’s all about character, not real Rob.
EG: But you’re so handsome, It’s pretty much enough to somebody to fall in love…
R: It’s kind of weird. Before Twilight I wasn’t offered the roles of guys like that.
R: It’s kind of weird. Before Twilight I wasn’t offered the roles of guys like that.
EG: What about sport?
R: On BD I was training really hard because I have shirtless scenes. I had to eat healthy food, go to the gym all the time, ride a bike everywhere and I liked it. When I finished these scenes, I relaxed and I don’t go to the gym at all. I can’t force myself.
R: On BD I was training really hard because I have shirtless scenes. I had to eat healthy food, go to the gym all the time, ride a bike everywhere and I liked it. When I finished these scenes, I relaxed and I don’t go to the gym at all. I can’t force myself.
EG: Any guilty pleasures?
R: M&M’s pretzels.
R: M&M’s pretzels.
Ahaah.... huumorimeel
hea kohe vaadata, et joonaspoisil on tsipake eneseirooniat. pärast seda, kui ta leping vampiiriga lõppes on ta saadud raha eest soetanud omale moeka maika.
Päris hea, päris hea...
Allahindlus 80%! Unikaalne pakkumine ainult 30 euro eest! Õhtusöök kuulsusega! Ainult täna on teil unikaalne võimalus õhtustada hotellirestoranis Olevi Residents koos kuulsa eesti iludusega - Anna Maria Galojaniga!
Kampaania tingimused:
Anna-Maria Galojan on eesti kaunitar, kes oli enne meelelahutusportaali toimetaja ja nüüd politoloog. Ta lõpetas Tartu Ülikooli ja Eesti Diplomaatide kooli politoloogia, diplomaatia, rahvusvaheliste suhete ja Euroopa integratsiooni erialal. 2002. aastal töötas välisministri nõunikuna, hiljem juhtis Eesti EU-sse astumise referendumit. Alates 2003 aastast töötab Eesti Välispoliitika Instituudis. Valdab vabalt seitset keelt. Ta on 29-aastane ja on olnud ka ajakirja Eesti Playboy veebruarinumbri modelliks.
Hispaania ajalehe 20 Minutos veebiküljel korraldatud hääletuse, kus valiti maailma ilusaimat naispoliitikut, võitis noorpoliitikute osas endine reformierakondlane ja värske Playboy kaanestaar Anna-Maria Galojan.
jätkake, jätkake, me noored sõbrad...
samas.... kui ei ole nali, siis on tsipa mage...
jah.... nüüd kui ma järele mõtlen, siis ongi anyway mage teha või mitte teha nalja loomakaitse seltsi nime kasutades...
kankel all!
Kampaania tingimused:
- Hinna sees on õhtusöök kahele (Teie ja Anna-Maria Galojan) restoranis Olevi Residents maksumusega 20 eurot.
- Voucher kehtib kogu menüü ja joogikaardi ulatuses.
- Eelbroneering on kohustuslik!
- On võimalik teha pilte ja saada Anna-Maria Galojani signatuuri.
- Juhul, kui Anna-Maria Galojan ei saa mingil põhjusel osaleda teie seltskonnas õhtusöögil, siis igal juhul on teile kindlustatud õhtusöök Olevi Residentsis 20 € eest ja väike kingitus Anna-Marialt (autogramm, foto või väike meene).
Anna-Maria Galojan on eesti kaunitar, kes oli enne meelelahutusportaali toimetaja ja nüüd politoloog. Ta lõpetas Tartu Ülikooli ja Eesti Diplomaatide kooli politoloogia, diplomaatia, rahvusvaheliste suhete ja Euroopa integratsiooni erialal. 2002. aastal töötas välisministri nõunikuna, hiljem juhtis Eesti EU-sse astumise referendumit. Alates 2003 aastast töötab Eesti Välispoliitika Instituudis. Valdab vabalt seitset keelt. Ta on 29-aastane ja on olnud ka ajakirja Eesti Playboy veebruarinumbri modelliks.
Hispaania ajalehe 20 Minutos veebiküljel korraldatud hääletuse, kus valiti maailma ilusaimat naispoliitikut, võitis noorpoliitikute osas endine reformierakondlane ja värske Playboy kaanestaar Anna-Maria Galojan.
jätkake, jätkake, me noored sõbrad...
samas.... kui ei ole nali, siis on tsipa mage...
jah.... nüüd kui ma järele mõtlen, siis ongi anyway mage teha või mitte teha nalja loomakaitse seltsi nime kasutades...
kankel all!
Ezbezjali for juu, beib!
The new song from NKOTBSB (New Kids on the Block + Back Street Boys) (DUUUUH!), titled “Don’t Turn Off the Lights,” was first previewed in December to fans aboard the Backstreet Boys cruise (UH? WHAT?!), but this is the first time the track has been heard in its entirety
Anna andeks ms. tiimedvard....
... aga somehow mulle tundub, et Vampire Diaries vambid on veelgi kuulimad!
ja noh.... ei sädele vaid läigivad.
vampire shit
ja noh.... ei sädele vaid läigivad.
vampire shit
Oh Arnie...
Arnold Schwarzenegger may no longer be the governor of California, but he’s still “The Governator.”
The one-time action star turned politician is returning to the entertainment industry for a new animated TV series called – that’s right – “The Governator.”
The action-comedy cartoon is about an ex-governor who becomes a crime fighter.
The cartoon superhero, voiced by Schwarzenegger, will have an underground high-tech lab known as the Arnold Cave.
for all you bbs: R-rated
Speaking of real, Rihanna says her hit single “S&M” reflects her real sex life.
“Being submissive in the bedroom is really fun,” she says.
“You get to be a little lady, to have somebody be macho and in charge of your sh*t. That’s fun to me… I like to be spanked. Being tied up is fun.”
“I like to keep it spontaneous. Sometimes whips and chains can be overly planned – you gotta stop, get the whip from the drawer downstairs. I’d rather have him use his hands.”
seose loomiseks väike jupike meie uuest lemmikraamatust:
I close my eyes, bracing myself for the blow, and it comes hard, snapping across my backside, and
the bite of the belt is everything I feared. I cry out, involuntarily, and take a huge gulp of air.
“Count, Isabella!” he commands.
“One!” I shout at him and it sounds like an expletive.
He hits me again and the pain pulses and echoes along the line of the belt. Holy shit, that smarts.
“Two!” I scream. It feels so good to scream.
I can hear his breathing… ragged, harsh. Whereas mine is almost non-existent as I desperately
scrabble around my psyche looking for some internal strength. The belt cuts into my flesh again.
“Three…!” Tears spring unwelcome into my eyes. Jeez, this is harder than I thought – so much
harder than the spanking. He's not holding anything back.
“Four!” I yell as the belt bites me again, and now the tears are streaming down my face. I don’t
want to cry. It angers me that I am crying.
He hits me again.
“Five…” My voice is more a choked, strangled sob and in this moment I think I hate him. One
more, I can do one more. My backside feels as if it’s on fire.
“Six,” I whisper, as the blistering pain cuts across me again, and I hear him drop the belt behind me,
and he’s pulling me into his arms, all breathless and compassionate… and I want none of him.
“Being submissive in the bedroom is really fun,” she says.
“You get to be a little lady, to have somebody be macho and in charge of your sh*t. That’s fun to me… I like to be spanked. Being tied up is fun.”
“I like to keep it spontaneous. Sometimes whips and chains can be overly planned – you gotta stop, get the whip from the drawer downstairs. I’d rather have him use his hands.”
seose loomiseks väike jupike meie uuest lemmikraamatust:
I close my eyes, bracing myself for the blow, and it comes hard, snapping across my backside, and
the bite of the belt is everything I feared. I cry out, involuntarily, and take a huge gulp of air.
“Count, Isabella!” he commands.
“One!” I shout at him and it sounds like an expletive.
He hits me again and the pain pulses and echoes along the line of the belt. Holy shit, that smarts.
“Two!” I scream. It feels so good to scream.
I can hear his breathing… ragged, harsh. Whereas mine is almost non-existent as I desperately
scrabble around my psyche looking for some internal strength. The belt cuts into my flesh again.
“Three…!” Tears spring unwelcome into my eyes. Jeez, this is harder than I thought – so much
harder than the spanking. He's not holding anything back.
“Four!” I yell as the belt bites me again, and now the tears are streaming down my face. I don’t
want to cry. It angers me that I am crying.
He hits me again.
“Five…” My voice is more a choked, strangled sob and in this moment I think I hate him. One
more, I can do one more. My backside feels as if it’s on fire.
“Six,” I whisper, as the blistering pain cuts across me again, and I hear him drop the belt behind me,
and he’s pulling me into his arms, all breathless and compassionate… and I want none of him.
please show us again my favorite part of you your middle finger
We’re asking you, dear readers, to submit a haiku (or two, or ten) about the lovely KStew.
This might look like Kristen Stewart is flashing the international sign for FUCK YOU at LAX yesterday, but I don't think that's what's really going on here. It's obvious that Kristen is showing us the finger she's going to lube up in the grease mop on RPattz's precious head before gently poking at his sparkly Twihole.
This might look like Kristen Stewart is flashing the international sign for FUCK YOU at LAX yesterday, but I don't think that's what's really going on here. It's obvious that Kristen is showing us the finger she's going to lube up in the grease mop on RPattz's precious head before gently poking at his sparkly Twihole.
Nii palju on öelda! 3
Barnes-born actor is, at just 24, one of the biggest deals on the planet.
Twilight films made him a most unlikely pin-up.
Nowadays, I'm working all the time. But before that... I mean, in my career before Twilight, whatever job I got, that was the job I did. I never turned down a thing. They weren't even lead parts. Anything. Just random little things. And I liked doing it, on that level. I survived off the money for Harry Potter for, like, three years. I spent three years getting drunk. And just when I was about to go broke, I got Twilight.
Pattinson admits that, had it not been for the indie drama Little Ashes, in which he played surrealist artist Salvador Dalí, we might even have lost him to music.
"Well, then I got Twilight," he grins. "I finished Little Ashes and went to LA because I really, really needed money! I had this big tax bill, and I was completely broke. But it had given me a different perspective. I talked to people in auditions differently, whereas before I just went in going, 'Yeah, I don't really know what I'm doing,' and I didn't really care."
Like, I did this Viking movie (released theatrically in the UK as Sword Of Xanten) when I was 17, and there was all this fighting stuff. I had to kill this guy who killed my brother." he laughs. "I sat there going crazy for the entire day. It actually got to the point where I had the sword in my hand, about to whip it out and kill the guy, and the director came over and said 'Listen, you can't do it. You've got the red mist...' I was like, "WHAAAAT?'
"I think you can even get an Edward burger! But it doesn't really make an enormous amount of difference. Everyone always thinks, 'Oh, well, you can do anything you want now.' but there's nothing out there. There's hardly anything. Also, you've got to fit into the part. I mean, it's not like I'm going to play the Queen!"
The one thing that pisses me off about working in films is when you start a project and then, suddenly, two days before you start, there's a massive rewrite to make an R-rated movie into something that's PG-13, and it's a totally different story. As soon as that line's been crossed, you know you're not making a movie anymore. You're making a...a... fridge magnet. It's nothing.
This informed, intelligent and incisive side of Robert Pattinson might come as a surprise to those expecting an airhead, boy-model bimbo.
And it's better that having a rapping career, which very almost happened...?
He nods. "It's definitely better than that."
Twilight films made him a most unlikely pin-up.
Nowadays, I'm working all the time. But before that... I mean, in my career before Twilight, whatever job I got, that was the job I did. I never turned down a thing. They weren't even lead parts. Anything. Just random little things. And I liked doing it, on that level. I survived off the money for Harry Potter for, like, three years. I spent three years getting drunk. And just when I was about to go broke, I got Twilight.
Pattinson admits that, had it not been for the indie drama Little Ashes, in which he played surrealist artist Salvador Dalí, we might even have lost him to music.
"Well, then I got Twilight," he grins. "I finished Little Ashes and went to LA because I really, really needed money! I had this big tax bill, and I was completely broke. But it had given me a different perspective. I talked to people in auditions differently, whereas before I just went in going, 'Yeah, I don't really know what I'm doing,' and I didn't really care."
Like, I did this Viking movie (released theatrically in the UK as Sword Of Xanten) when I was 17, and there was all this fighting stuff. I had to kill this guy who killed my brother." he laughs. "I sat there going crazy for the entire day. It actually got to the point where I had the sword in my hand, about to whip it out and kill the guy, and the director came over and said 'Listen, you can't do it. You've got the red mist...' I was like, "WHAAAAT?'
"I think you can even get an Edward burger! But it doesn't really make an enormous amount of difference. Everyone always thinks, 'Oh, well, you can do anything you want now.' but there's nothing out there. There's hardly anything. Also, you've got to fit into the part. I mean, it's not like I'm going to play the Queen!"
The one thing that pisses me off about working in films is when you start a project and then, suddenly, two days before you start, there's a massive rewrite to make an R-rated movie into something that's PG-13, and it's a totally different story. As soon as that line's been crossed, you know you're not making a movie anymore. You're making a...a... fridge magnet. It's nothing.
This informed, intelligent and incisive side of Robert Pattinson might come as a surprise to those expecting an airhead, boy-model bimbo.
And it's better that having a rapping career, which very almost happened...?
He nods. "It's definitely better than that."
For those of you who have asked us and asked us and ASKED US
“the creatures – some watery, some dark – she hopes to write about next.”
For those of you who have asked us and asked us and ASKED US about Stephenie’s next book, it looks like this will be your confirming answer. In the past die hard fans have heard Stephenie mention the possibility of a mermaid book as well as a ghost story, which seems to fit the watery and dark components.
On another book she might complete and publish: "When I was growing up, I was obsessed with mermaids. I do have a very elaborate outline for a book. I'm not working on it right now, but I have the feeling it's going to be big. It's going to be 1,000 pages."
On an as-yet-untitled book she might publish next: "It's a fantasy that takes place in another world where people are using bows and arrows and swords. There's a little bit of magic, but it's a very limited form of magic. The characters are human, and some have the ability to use magic and some don't. It's pretty dark. People die. The main character is a 17-year-old girl, and she's kind of cool."
mul on pealkirjaidee: "PEOPLE DIE"
Stephenie Meyer met with the 10 lucky fans from around theworld that were selected throughvarious contests by each countries’ publishing houses.
Stephenie Meyer talks about Breaking Dawn:
The much-anticipated wedding of Edward and Bella has not been filmed yet, but Stewart is being fitted for the as-yet-unrevealed bridal gown. “It’s such an interesting mix,” says Meyer. “It has a vintage feel, but at the same time, there’s an edge to it. It’s really beautiful. And then on Kristen — oh, she looks amazing in clothes —and in that dress she’s so lithe and unbelievable.”
siinkohal kommentaarid inimestelt, kes on hilpu näinud ja pole mormoonid
One question she won’t answer: whether the werewolf/shape shifter Jacob and Renesmee, the human/vampire hybrid child of Edward and Bella, could ever have children. (Jacob is a teenager, but baby Renesmee is aging at an accelerated rate.) “That is a question I’m reserving the right not to answer, because there is a chance I’ll go back to their story.”
HEADDESK & kommentaar PÄRIS tvailaidi fännidelt:
Some of Breaking Dawn was filmed in Baton Rouge from October to mid-February, and Meyer’s husband, Pancho, now a stay-at-home dad, and their three sons Gabe, 13, Seth, 10, and Eli, 8, moved from Arizona to Baton Rouge to be with her. They then packed up and moved with her to Vancouver. Shooting is expected to wrap up sometime in April.
minu personaalne kommentaar: PANCHO?!?!?!?!?! rriiiiili.... liiga hea.
latest on Midnight Sun:
"I'm hoping to do it someday because I know that's what people want. No matter what book I put out from here to eternity they'll want Midnight Sun, but I'm just not writing about vampires right now."
ja siin on minu response sellele magnificendile uudistevoole:
For those of you who have asked us and asked us and ASKED US about Stephenie’s next book, it looks like this will be your confirming answer. In the past die hard fans have heard Stephenie mention the possibility of a mermaid book as well as a ghost story, which seems to fit the watery and dark components.
On another book she might complete and publish: "When I was growing up, I was obsessed with mermaids. I do have a very elaborate outline for a book. I'm not working on it right now, but I have the feeling it's going to be big. It's going to be 1,000 pages."
On an as-yet-untitled book she might publish next: "It's a fantasy that takes place in another world where people are using bows and arrows and swords. There's a little bit of magic, but it's a very limited form of magic. The characters are human, and some have the ability to use magic and some don't. It's pretty dark. People die. The main character is a 17-year-old girl, and she's kind of cool."
mul on pealkirjaidee: "PEOPLE DIE"
Stephenie Meyer met with the 10 lucky fans from around theworld that were selected throughvarious contests by each countries’ publishing houses.
Stephenie Meyer talks about Breaking Dawn:
The much-anticipated wedding of Edward and Bella has not been filmed yet, but Stewart is being fitted for the as-yet-unrevealed bridal gown. “It’s such an interesting mix,” says Meyer. “It has a vintage feel, but at the same time, there’s an edge to it. It’s really beautiful. And then on Kristen — oh, she looks amazing in clothes —and in that dress she’s so lithe and unbelievable.”
siinkohal kommentaarid inimestelt, kes on hilpu näinud ja pole mormoonid
One question she won’t answer: whether the werewolf/shape shifter Jacob and Renesmee, the human/vampire hybrid child of Edward and Bella, could ever have children. (Jacob is a teenager, but baby Renesmee is aging at an accelerated rate.) “That is a question I’m reserving the right not to answer, because there is a chance I’ll go back to their story.”
HEADDESK & kommentaar PÄRIS tvailaidi fännidelt:
Some of Breaking Dawn was filmed in Baton Rouge from October to mid-February, and Meyer’s husband, Pancho, now a stay-at-home dad, and their three sons Gabe, 13, Seth, 10, and Eli, 8, moved from Arizona to Baton Rouge to be with her. They then packed up and moved with her to Vancouver. Shooting is expected to wrap up sometime in April.
minu personaalne kommentaar: PANCHO?!?!?!?!?! rriiiiili.... liiga hea.
latest on Midnight Sun:
"I'm hoping to do it someday because I know that's what people want. No matter what book I put out from here to eternity they'll want Midnight Sun, but I'm just not writing about vampires right now."
ja siin on minu response sellele magnificendile uudistevoole:
Robert Pattinson admits that Bel Ami is still in editing because studio honchos are worried about alienating audiences used to his goody-two-shoes persona in the Twilight franchise.
“We were really true to the book and because the guy is basically a shit who wins everything at the end it’s really difficult to market it – especially with me in it,” Pattinson tells TF exclusively.
“Everyone’s worried that everyone’s going to be thinking, ‘Oh I want him to be nice, he’s got to be nice to all the ladies’.”
“We were really true to the book and because the guy is basically a shit who wins everything at the end it’s really difficult to market it – especially with me in it,” Pattinson tells TF exclusively.
“Everyone’s worried that everyone’s going to be thinking, ‘Oh I want him to be nice, he’s got to be nice to all the ladies’.”
Pilt on ikka rohkem kui tuhat sõna...
oo wow. whät?
all i can see... booooooooooobs!
wont fall into THAT trap! friiiiiks
duud sisemiselt skriimib: mina olen elvis! MINA!!!
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