Eesti Vedelik - Tule! Vaata! Imesta! (Peale ürituse algust välja enam ei pääse)
Comedy Club
Situationit mäletad?
A no samas... ega KÕIK ei oskagi nalja teha. Meie sinuga oleme ka kehvapoolsed naljamehed. Mitte nagu mõni...
Eile oli tvaihardide suurpäev
Rob istus MTVs ja Lenos.
pole veel kumbagi näinud, aga tundub, et highlight on siin:
siin elevant sööb vampiiri. nom nom nom. elevandi nimi on Rosie. ma tahaks teada, kas see on nüüd slap in the face maailma kauneimale naisele või on see kompliment või on see vandi räme solvamine
pole veel kumbagi näinud, aga tundub, et highlight on siin:
siin elevant sööb vampiiri. nom nom nom. elevandi nimi on Rosie. ma tahaks teada, kas see on nüüd slap in the face maailma kauneimale naisele või on see kompliment või on see vandi räme solvamine
Värske vampiiripilt
siin juhtus nüüd nii, et edmund tuli puhvetist välja, et emale helistada. seisis pimedas tupiktänavas ja sosistas vaikselt. korraga oli tiim jaakob ta ümber piiranud ja klõpsis pilte. edmundil läks silm hirmust märjaks ja ta kähistas telefoni: "Mom.... help.... me.... I think I'm on a Twicruise... again".
Pole oluline, kes, aga tundub, et oli lõbus pidu!
Which female publicist ruined a friend's birthday party at a New York club last weekend by urinating in the middle of the dance floor, causing guests to slip and fall in the mess?
I work as an associate junior at merryll lynch! And I am grownup! I am!
Met him in London bar one week ago |
by Yrmigsen 2 days ago (Mon Mar 14 2011 19:26:47) |
My girlfriend and I was out and about in London one week ago and while passing this swanky nightclub called mahiki (often frequented by european royals) we noticed paparazzi packed outside. One of my gf classmates is some sort of a DJ/partyfixer guy who knew a guy who knew the bouncer and after some phonecalls we where able to skip the line if we prepaid two drinks beforehand. So we did.
While inside the club (which was totally packed, some sort of industry party for a mobile phone company) I saw pattinson and this other guy Ive seen in british television behind some sort of velvet carpet in the vip section which was halfway closed along with some other pals and girls. Haha robert was drunk of his mind and at one point he collected 4 of the girls purses and hung them around his neck and also used theyre seats to store coats.
Next day I wake up in my hotel hungover and while eating breakfast the regret strikes me. Why the *beep* didnt I snap some paparazzi photos of it on my blackberry. I could probably made some real dough selling them to a *beep* tabloid uk paper for a decent fare. *beep*! Haha, yeah... Kept moral code and karma intact though
While inside the club (which was totally packed, some sort of industry party for a mobile phone company) I saw pattinson and this other guy Ive seen in british television behind some sort of velvet carpet in the vip section which was halfway closed along with some other pals and girls. Haha robert was drunk of his mind and at one point he collected 4 of the girls purses and hung them around his neck and also used theyre seats to store coats.
Next day I wake up in my hotel hungover and while eating breakfast the regret strikes me. Why the *beep* didnt I snap some paparazzi photos of it on my blackberry. I could probably made some real dough selling them to a *beep* tabloid uk paper for a decent fare. *beep*! Haha, yeah... Kept moral code and karma intact though
Yeah im sure he was but its very common for uk celebs to bound on british airways jfk-city airport (central london airport) on the weekends. I work as an associate junior at merryll lynch and the CEOs travel this route all the time. You can basically go on weekends in NYC without adjusting to jetlag i when you stay for less than 16 hours because these aircrafts has removed 30% of the seats in the plane which makes the whole plane business/first so you can sleep And its 20 min from city centre. Its very common for people like fx kanye who gets paid a fixed amount to show up at an event to go on this route and then go right back so no jetlag adjustment. Many of the CEOs in the firm often travels along with kate moss/posh/ katie holmes and these folks when they bouns this route to NYC for business. Its almost as good as flying privat but alot cheaper. However, my POINT is, not that far from jfk to vancouver and he was probably paid to show up or something haha whatever... Haha, easy folks. Why would I make this up anyway :D take care! |
Mees sõidab rongis ja tema vastas istub väike tüdruk ja loeb.
Mees vaatab tüdrukut ja ütleb talle, et räägime juttu, siis läheb aeg kiiremini.
Väike tüdruk vaatab mehele otsa ja ütleb siis, et ok räägime ja paneb oma raamatu kinni ja küsib siis "Millest sa rääkida tahad?" Mees vastab üleoleva naeratusega näol, et räägime kvantfüüsikast. Tüdruk ütleb, et ok aga enne tahan ma sult ühte asja teada, et kui lammas, lehm ja hobune söövad sama asja - rohtu, siis miks lammas situb pabulaid, lehm kooke ja hobune kuivi keskmise suurusega junne? Mees ütleb, et oi ma ei tea ja vaatab imetlevalt väikest tüdrukut.
Selle peale ütleb väike tüdruk, et kuidas me siis küll kvantfüüsikast rääkida saame kui sa sittagi ei tea?
Mees vaatab tüdrukut ja ütleb talle, et räägime juttu, siis läheb aeg kiiremini.
Väike tüdruk vaatab mehele otsa ja ütleb siis, et ok räägime ja paneb oma raamatu kinni ja küsib siis "Millest sa rääkida tahad?" Mees vastab üleoleva naeratusega näol, et räägime kvantfüüsikast. Tüdruk ütleb, et ok aga enne tahan ma sult ühte asja teada, et kui lammas, lehm ja hobune söövad sama asja - rohtu, siis miks lammas situb pabulaid, lehm kooke ja hobune kuivi keskmise suurusega junne? Mees ütleb, et oi ma ei tea ja vaatab imetlevalt väikest tüdrukut.
Selle peale ütleb väike tüdruk, et kuidas me siis küll kvantfüüsikast rääkida saame kui sa sittagi ei tea?
Värske pilt noorpaariga
tehtud eile ja kanadas ja bla bla bla, aga mulle meeldib kõige rohkem, et tiim bläk on all like "unkhuu, girlfriend, move over, we're here for yar man, bitch!"
edmund ja bella silmamunad
Just a regular night out
Just being close to Pattinson “is the most exciting thing that has happened to me,” said Caldwell, who admits to being an “obsessive member of Team Edward” who already plans to relive Monday by watching her copies of the “Twilight” videos again this week.
Caldwell believed that Pattinson had “bought out the bar” because, “By the time we got there, they were only letting guys into Cricket’s.”
When a Cricket’s employee let it be known that Pattinson planned to leave by the back door shortly before closing, Caldwell said, she didn’t think twice about waiting another hour and a half.
“I was sitting on a gas pipe outside the back door, waiting,” she said, “and right on cue, a white truck rolled down the alley with two (police) cars trailing.”
At 1:50 a.m., Pattinson emerged.
Caldwell recalled, “Girls were running from opposite ends of the alley. After he got in the white truck, girls started jumping on the hood. Some girls tried to hang on to the back.”
Caldwell said that she was able to reach out and touch Pattinson’s arm as he walked from the bar to his getaway vehicle. Just before that, she videotaped his dark exit with her cell phone.
She said her friend was even more excited.
“Caroline got so close that she said she was able to pull out one of his arm hairs,” said Caldwell. “But she lost it in all the excitement.”
Caldwell believed that Pattinson had “bought out the bar” because, “By the time we got there, they were only letting guys into Cricket’s.”
When a Cricket’s employee let it be known that Pattinson planned to leave by the back door shortly before closing, Caldwell said, she didn’t think twice about waiting another hour and a half.
“I was sitting on a gas pipe outside the back door, waiting,” she said, “and right on cue, a white truck rolled down the alley with two (police) cars trailing.”
At 1:50 a.m., Pattinson emerged.
Caldwell recalled, “Girls were running from opposite ends of the alley. After he got in the white truck, girls started jumping on the hood. Some girls tried to hang on to the back.”
Caldwell said that she was able to reach out and touch Pattinson’s arm as he walked from the bar to his getaway vehicle. Just before that, she videotaped his dark exit with her cell phone.
She said her friend was even more excited.
“Caroline got so close that she said she was able to pull out one of his arm hairs,” said Caldwell. “But she lost it in all the excitement.”
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