Eesti Vedelik - Tule! Vaata! Imesta! (Peale ürituse algust välja enam ei pääse)
1. Nick warns Bill to keep his hands off and refuses to leave Katie’s side while Bill is so enraged.
2. When Amber cranks up her seduction, Liam begins to succumb to her advances.
3. Amber calls Oliver and informs him that she and Liam slept together
4. Oliver begins to worry after Hope expresses that she doesn’t think that she can ever sleep with Liam since he has had sex with Amber
5. Liam arrives at Oliver’s house and finds him and Hope partially undressed
6. Thomas catches Steffy staring at a picture of Bill
7. Eric’s outspoken opinion leads to an exchange of heated words between he and Ridge and their tumultuous past with Brooke is rehashed.
8. Nick is put on the hot seat about why his face is bruised and why he broke up with Aggie.
9. During the celebration of Thomas becoming part owner of Forrester Creations, Thorne expresses his frustration that Thomas and Steffy are owners of the company before him. IRW
10. Brooke witnesses Thomas getting a goodbye kiss from Dayzee, Madison and Summer, all at different times before their flight.
11. Despite Bill’s words, Steffy still throws herself at him.
12. khm, Thomase ja Bruki lennuk kukub alla üksikule saarele...
13. Ridge and Nick set their years of hostility aside for the sake of Brooke. (AAAH; TVAILAIT!)
Vett! Elevantidele!
soh? krt, mis filmi me vaatasime? mu arust oli suht caca...
aaa... ok... siis ma saan aru küll jah...
Vampiiri päevikud: Viimnepäev
Elena, Damon ja Onu John
Klaus valmistud riituseks. Selle käigus peab ta tapma ühe vampiiri, ühe libahundi ja jooma Elena verd. ok, ok... a kus on hunt, küsin ma? hunt lahkus linnast!
AAAAAAAA! OK! Klausi nõid nõiub libahundi ema, kes helistab siis libahundile ja räägib, et ta on haiglas ja et hunt peaks tulema koju. SELGE!
õnneks on Elijal pudel mingit salapärast vedelikku, mis Elena pärast surnuist üles äratab. VERY Romeo ja Julia (või Julietta, kuidas soovite...)
Damon arvab, et nad kõik on lollakad. kaldun temaga nõustuma.
Damon joodab Elenale oma verd nii et kui ta nüüd sureb, siis saab temast vampiir. täitsa mõistlik lahendus.
Stephen viib Elena metsa jalutama ja Elena küsib, et "kuule, sa sedasi ei oska joosta nagu see kutt sealt tvailaidist", a Stephen ütleb, et "kõnni aga ise".
Klaus käsib Katarinal end põlema panna. Panebki.
ohoo, seni täiesti roosa plekina nähtamatu Matt-poiss laseb jahipüssist Klausi nõia maha!
Elena nutab, et nüüd ta ei saa lapsi ja ei jää vanaks. aga meie teame, et vara kurvastab, sest vampiiridel võib olla jäänud väike deposit.... anyway, Elena ütleb, et tema ei taha ikka vampiiriks saada.
Libahunt hakkab kohe Matti silma all hundiks väänduma. Matt on täiesti.... segaduses? Matt nimelt ka ei tea midagi, nagu Jenna-tädi.
o no! libahunt hammustas Damonit! and we all know what that means... libahundi hammustus on vampiirile surmav. oh noes!
Kuigi Damon päästis vampiir Carolinei ja libahunt Taylori, siis Klausil on veel ka tagavara hunt (Teylori onu sõbranna Jules(?)) ja vampiir (oh no! Katariina! või siis.... oh no! Damon! kes läks ise Klausiga õiendama) olemas.
ok..... ooookeeeeiii... Katariina räägib, et Klaus käskis tal uue vampiiri kutsuda riitusele ohverdamiseks (mis tähendab, et ei ohverdata ei Katariinat ega Damonit) ja kui Elena jõuab riitusplatsile, siis lebab seal... eee..... Jenna-tädi? waddahell? Jenna-tädi on... salavampiir? wow.... ülla...
krt, see sari meenutab mulle natuke twin peaksi, mis keeras ka lõpuks nii kreisiks, et hakkas ennast peast õgima. I LOVE IT!
WhereIsRob App
Rob on täna....
järgnevad etteheited prantslastele:
kuna kinoteatri ees pole piisavalt ruumi, siis laotatakse punane vaip maha maja SISSE.
see pole küll maitsekas! kui tõesti oli väljas vähe ruumi a la mõni vana maja või kuju takistas vaiba laotamist, siis oleks võinud need maha võtta. paljas laiskus ja ignorantsus.
aga tagasi Appi juurde.
Pindzaki pildi lisan hiljem.
Praegu Rob tudub hotellis.
Nii palju on öelda! 11
What do you do to relax when you’re alone in your hotel room?
What do I do? Nothing really, getting drunk? (laughs). I’m terrible.
Do you completely avoid public places now?
Yes, it really gets to me. When I have free time I wish I could just go out and take a long walk. But I can’t and I rather avoid trouble.
And how do you avoid it?
I don’t go to crowded places, people in this town are willing to sell you out. People who are at the bars and restaurants, even the actual clients, sell you out (laughs), it’s very strange, everybody wants to get something from you, they’re willing to do anything for it.
How do you handle fame?
I was thinking about it the other day. Nobody asks me to do anything or go some place. When I’m not working I call people I know to see if anyone has plans for the night and see if they’ll invite me (laughs).
Do you still write music?
I have to be absoulutely depressed to write music. I can only write music when I wake up crying in the morning.
my reaction:
The suspect was seen earlier in the day masturbating in the bushes
A woman jogging at the popular Westwood Lake trail near Nanaimo on Saturday was accosted by a naked man in a gorilla mask who tried to sexually assault her.
Woman was near the 1 km mark on the trail about 5:45 p.m. when the naked man grabbed her around the leg and rubbed against her. She was able to kick him off and run away, but he caught up to her again at the 2 km mark. This time he was wearing shiny black jogging pants.
Russia's Emergencies Ministry staff were alerted to E.T.'s presence
The faux little green man was cunningly crafted by a pair of students using nothing more than stale bread and chicken skin.
Unfortunately for the duo behind the prank, while much of the internet had dismissed their footage as fake, the same view hadn't been taken by the Kremlin, which deemed their footage worthy of investigation.
As a result, officials were dispatched to the Irkutsk region of southern Siberia, to question Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, who'd shot the footage after reported UFO sightings.
It's not known how long they held out, but a spokesperson for the Russian interior ministry said they'd found the 'alien' lying under the bed in one of the student's homes.
The faux little green man was cunningly crafted by a pair of students using nothing more than stale bread and chicken skin.
Unfortunately for the duo behind the prank, while much of the internet had dismissed their footage as fake, the same view hadn't been taken by the Kremlin, which deemed their footage worthy of investigation.
As a result, officials were dispatched to the Irkutsk region of southern Siberia, to question Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, who'd shot the footage after reported UFO sightings.
It's not known how long they held out, but a spokesperson for the Russian interior ministry said they'd found the 'alien' lying under the bed in one of the student's homes.
Ma kuulsin, et....
... kui Medvedev ja Shwarzzenegger kohtusid, siis oli pärast fotodel Arnie põlvist lühemaks lõigatud.
muide edmund on praegu Berliinis. nii lähedal! kas tunned kerget kihelust?
muide edmund on praegu Berliinis. nii lähedal! kas tunned kerget kihelust?
avasin täna tvaihardide robsclothes.xls faili ja ma tahaks kohe öelda paar sõna.
liiga palju on pirinat mehe näruse garderoobi aadressil! teie, naised, ilmselt ei saa aru, et meile, meestele, on see kaltsumajandus täiesti triviaalne.
ja teie, räpased brasiilia naised, kes te igat plekki kohe spermaks peate, ütleks ma nii, et... mu teada on ungari meestel pikem varustus kui brasiilia omadel nii et talitsege end. euroopa ruulib! aga mitte nii metsikult kui teie loodate...
liiga palju on pirinat mehe näruse garderoobi aadressil! teie, naised, ilmselt ei saa aru, et meile, meestele, on see kaltsumajandus täiesti triviaalne.
ja teie, räpased brasiilia naised, kes te igat plekki kohe spermaks peate, ütleks ma nii, et... mu teada on ungari meestel pikem varustus kui brasiilia omadel nii et talitsege end. euroopa ruulib! aga mitte nii metsikult kui teie loodate...
See on tuhksuhkur! Pontšiku pealt! ja kes on öelnud, et nööbid peavad käima just nende vastas asuvates aukudes? darn...
no kuulge.... millise tsenaariumi järgi see saaks olla sperma? et lõi lahti, võttis dressika, pühkis puhtaks, tõmbas selga ja kõndis õue? kamooooooon! see on tatt! ninast! ma tõesti ei tea, kas on veel loomulikumat liigutust, kui et pühkida tilkuvat nina parema õla vastu. krdi naised...
Kuumusest! kuna pea kaudu eritub kõige rohkem soojust, siis jah! oleks võinud mütsi ära võtta, a no SO WHAT?
lollid olete teie, kes te oma särke EI nõelu!
see on VIHM! pathetic...
krt, HEAD ööd!
kui sa seal juba nagunii breikindooni kuulad, siis ei hirmuta sind ilmselt enam miski...
Tänane fotokoomiks
Tegelased: Blond neid (olgu tema nimi nt. Pam), lennujaama suffle käru (see, millega lapsi ja penskareid ringi veetakse), fuck-särgiga Edmund.
Pam: VIP suffle, Sir!
Ed: Uh?
Pam: Tule kärupeale, teen sõitu sulle!
Ed: Eeeee....
Ed: Mõnitavad ka veel, rsk...
Nick Marone masennusmyssynsä hämärässä
Nick istuu Shady Marlin -laivallaan marttyyrinä villamyssy päässään. Hän polttaa sikaria ja irvistelee viskilleen. Bridget tulee myös paikalle ja haluaa puhua. Pöydällä on avioeropaperi ja sen vierellä sormus. Miksi? Steffy sanelee Oliverille ehdot, joilla hän vaikenisi Hopen juhlissa syntyneestä seksiskandaalista. "Niistä ei neuvotella", hän lisää ja väittää silmät kirkkaina, ettei ole kostamassa, vaan saattamassa asiat oikeudenmukaisiksi perheelleen: Logan-klaanin on poistuttava Forrester Creationsilta. Brooke jatkaa Oliver-tunnustustaan Ridgelle, mutta ei saa sanotuksi asian arinta osaa. Minkä tunnustuksen Ridge itse tekee?
Ihan totta kaikki!
Ihan totta kaikki!

Tobe müts
Riding in the bus down the boulevard
And the place was pretty packed (Yeah!)
Couldn't find a seat so I had to stand
With the perverts in the back
It was smelling like a locker room
There was junk all over the floor
We're already packed in like sardines
But we're stopping to pick up more, look out
Another one rides the bus
Another one rides the bus
Another comes on and another comes on
Another one rides the bus
Hey, who's gonna sit by you
Another one rides the bus
There's a suitcase poking me in the ribs
There's an elbow in my ear
There's a smelly old bum standing next to me
Hasn't showered in a year
I think I'm missing a contact lens
I think my wallet's gone
And I think this bus is stopping again
To let a couple more freaks get on look out
Another one rides the bus
Another one rides the bus ow
Another one rides the bus hey hey
Another one rides the bus hey-ey-ey-ey ey ey eyyyyyy
The window doesn't open and the fan is broke
And my face is turning blue (Yeah)
I haven't been in a crowd like this
Since I went to see the Who
Well I should've got off a couple miles ago
But I couldn't get to the door
There isn't any room for me to breathe
And now we're gonna pick up more yeaaah
And the place was pretty packed (Yeah!)
Couldn't find a seat so I had to stand
With the perverts in the back
It was smelling like a locker room
There was junk all over the floor
We're already packed in like sardines
But we're stopping to pick up more, look out
Another one rides the bus
Another one rides the bus
Another comes on and another comes on
Another one rides the bus
Hey, who's gonna sit by you
Another one rides the bus
There's a suitcase poking me in the ribs
There's an elbow in my ear
There's a smelly old bum standing next to me
Hasn't showered in a year
I think I'm missing a contact lens
I think my wallet's gone
And I think this bus is stopping again
To let a couple more freaks get on look out
Another one rides the bus
Another one rides the bus ow
Another one rides the bus hey hey
Another one rides the bus hey-ey-ey-ey ey ey eyyyyyy
The window doesn't open and the fan is broke
And my face is turning blue (Yeah)
I haven't been in a crowd like this
Since I went to see the Who
Well I should've got off a couple miles ago
But I couldn't get to the door
There isn't any room for me to breathe
And now we're gonna pick up more yeaaah
ptüi, lumpen....
siin on moodne müts:
Kirjandusminut 2
"And it has made you look pale - were you afraid when I left you alone with Mason?"
"I was afraid of some one coming out of the inner room."
"But I had fastened the door - I had the key in my pocket: I should have been a careless shepherd if I had left a lamb - my pet lamb - so near a wolf's den, unguarded: you were safe."

Ambrosian paluu palmujen kaupunkiin.
Amber Moore tulee Los Angelesiin Whipin kutsumana. Hän seisoo Jackie M -toimitalon edessä, nauttii palmupuiden, auringon, meren ja elokuvatähtien kaupungin tunnelmasta toivoen samalla, että juuri se päivä olisi hänen onnenpäivänsä. Miksi Whip Jones on kutsunut hänet takaisin Keskilännen Genoa Citystä, missä hän on viime vuodet asunut? Steffy on hivuttautunut todiste todisteelta, aavistus aavistukselta kohti hetkeä, jolloin Oliver ei pystyisi enää kieltämään kiellettyä kokemustaan Brooken kanssa. Oliver myönsi edellisessä jaksossa, että kokemus oli vahinko, nyt hän pyytää Steffyä pitämään vahingon omana tietonaan. Saatuaan Oliverilta varoituksen Brooke kysyy Steffyltä, miksi Ridgen kaltaisen miehen tytär voi olla niin uskomattoman julma. "Pysy hiljaa siitä, minkä haluaisit julkistaa. Vaikene Hopen tähden. Rukoilen sinua, Steffy", hän sanoo.
Roolihahmojen joukkoon palaa Ambrosia "Amber" Moore (Adrienne Frantz).Ihan totta kaikki!

Clässi blogi EPITOOM
Robert Pattinson didn't seem to mind the St. Thomas heat yesterday when he boarded a private jet wearing a sweatshirt that apparently featured a middle-finger design.
Apparently it did. Yes, yes... and apparently it is, yes. Yes, Sir.
Apparently it did. Yes, yes... and apparently it is, yes. Yes, Sir.
Ja pian ei Steffy enää vaieta voi!
Pamin tunteisiin sekoittuvat Stephen Loganin edessä sukupuolinen vetovoima, pettymys, vihaisuus, itsesääli, itsehalveksunta, epäily ja toivo. Ridge huomaa, että Brookea vaivaa jokin, todella vaivaa. Brooke tunnustaa pelkäävänsä, että Steffy hautoo kostoa. Steffy väittää Oliverille voivansa aivan kevyesti todistaa tämän ja Brooken eroottisesti vääntyilevän yhteistanssin. Miten hän sen tekisi? Mitä valtteja hänellä on?
Ihan totta kaikki!
Ihan totta kaikki!

Vaido Bitch
Metroseksuaal Vaido Neigaus, kes on staarlaulja tiitlist pisut väsinud, palub end kutsuda nüüdsest esinejanimega Vaido Bitch.
Hetkel on päevakorras vaid iluteema, kuid stilistikat pole ma unustanud. Kui mõni inimene on soovinud, et ma teda aitan, siis ofcourse jagan oma nippe. Võtke aga sappa ja küsige minult julgelt nõu!
Mulle endale meeldib väga MADARA jumestuskreem, mis on äärmiselt kerge tekstuuriga ja sobib mulle ideaalselt.
jajah, ma tean.... sa arvad, et ma olen selle ise välja mõelnud...
da Butch
nostalgiat kah
Hetkel on päevakorras vaid iluteema, kuid stilistikat pole ma unustanud. Kui mõni inimene on soovinud, et ma teda aitan, siis ofcourse jagan oma nippe. Võtke aga sappa ja küsige minult julgelt nõu!
Mulle endale meeldib väga MADARA jumestuskreem, mis on äärmiselt kerge tekstuuriga ja sobib mulle ideaalselt.
jajah, ma tean.... sa arvad, et ma olen selle ise välja mõelnud...
da Butch
nostalgiat kah
Graafiline leksikon
Lugejate küsimustele vastub dr. eba-Norma(n)alne.
K: Millal saab Bellast vampiir?
V: Bellast saab vampiir pärast seda, kui tema beebi on ta selgroo puruks peksnud ja armas abikaasa on ta emaka hammastega lõhki rebinud. Jakob on kohal alasti meheilu huvides.
kuula aga usinasti edasi oma abudioraamatuid.
K: Millal saab Bellast vampiir?
V: Bellast saab vampiir pärast seda, kui tema beebi on ta selgroo puruks peksnud ja armas abikaasa on ta emaka hammastega lõhki rebinud. Jakob on kohal alasti meheilu huvides.
kuula aga usinasti edasi oma abudioraamatuid.
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