

võtan tagasi oma varasemad sõnad punamütsikese kohta.

iga film, millest lipsab läbi suur lõkke kohal kuumaks aetud metall-elevant ja kus punamütsike tit-pumpib puuraiduri armukadedaks ajamiseks oma sõbrannaga, kuulub kahtlemata filmiklassikasse.

ütleks veel midagi kõhuõõnde kivide õmblemise kohta, aga oh see oleks räme spoiler ja see on küll üks film, mida ma ei tahaks sinu jaoks spoilida.

oh ja lõpus oli selline magus zoofiilne naeratus, mille eest peaks nüüd küll oskar kukkuma. 
 Say it! Out loud!


She's telling me we'll be wed;
She's picked out a king size bed.
I couldn't feel any better or I'd be sick;
Tell me quick, oh ain't love a kick?
Tell me quick, ain't love a kick in the head?

Pattersonile ilmselt ikka meeldib, kui möirgavad naised ta ihult karvu kitkuvad. Muidu ta ei ütleks asju nagu:

"There’s this idea of life-saving love, which I believe in. I’m not cheesy, but I have a romantic soul."


"I have a great respect for women. I hate the lack of prudishness, I get bored when people are ostentatious of their body. Sex and feeling for me walk side-by-side."


"Whereas, in the end, for a lot of people, I am just Edward the vampire and in my life I’m just Robert. We share the same hairstyle. But when I read an entire article about my hair, I laugh my best British laugh."


"I never asked for too many clothes and shoes, and I’ve never been a social climber and I’ll never be. I read a lot and I still do; my favourites are the Russian writers, Dostoevskij, Nabokov."


"Fame is an handicap, not a privilege, it often complicates things. I try to not fall in the web of top class hotels, first-class flights, designers sending you tons of stuff, thousands of girls everywhere."


"My private life is off-limit. I’ve never spoken about my flirts, I’m not a man for short and superficial love affairs. I don’t talk about my relationships with female friends, not to mention how I don’t talk about the rumors on my relationship with Kristen Stewart, an actress I admire because she’s a real person, and a real actress. It was the chemistry I had with her that helped me to get my role in Twilight. I don’t let people take pics of the houses I rented both in New York and London. When I’m in L.A. I live mostly in hotels. You can live very well in the anonymity of a hotel room, especially when you have a piano to play."

mõtisklused ajakirjast Style

pole siis mõtet nutta, et elu paha... phuhuuu..


Dude's just feeding the Crazy here... now every twi-vulva is screaming for his seed (not a pretty sound)

He now represents a new masculinity that is distant from the machismo of the 80s and in a long interview to Style he declares: “Luxury hotels, hot models and designers buzzing around me? All of them are traps, I want a quiet life.” The actor continues: “I’m not interested in casual relationships, I need to get to know people. I’m not making an existential statement: I just want a family with two or three kids”.

JEH! Eile tegime Martiniga

bahbiir paremal

Subject: Your Wolfman Ripped Off Twilight

To whom this may concern.

This movie was a complete waste and I feel that it offends ALL Twilight Fans around the world, that including myself. 

For one, it was a COMPLETE remaking of the Wolf Pack from the Twilight Saga: New Moon. It gives the werewolves a bad name and makes them look like some deformed mutation of a rabid dog. I actually started to like werewolves after seeing Jacob Black and all his awesomeness on the big screen at the movies. That was until I saw your crappy remake of what you call to be a "were wolf". 

I don't see how you live with yourself for making it the way you did. If I made this movie, I would be ashamed to even admit that I owned it. How can a werewolf be killed with a silver bullet? Better yet, have you saw the transformation of the man that is "supposed" to be the wolf? He sits in some chair and his entire body turns in to some mutated freak. If you would watch the transformation of Jacob Black, (Taylor Lautner) he doesn't come close to looking as fake, cheap and or mutated as the wolf man.  

You tell me, who looks to be the better werewolf. Your stupid Wolf Movie didn't even make the top Movie for the charts; Valentines Day WITH TAYLOR Lautner! Get that this is MY oppinion and I felt I wanted to express it because I saw that your email was on your site. I wanted to let you know this is what i thought of the wolf man that sucks.

The Poser of who could never be even if they tried : " Aka : Rabid poser Werewolf  "The Wolf Man" 

OR My favorite: Taylor Daniel Lautner aka Jacob Black

Regards:  Kayla  
Feel free to reply

That's what you get for making a werewolf movie that clearly rips off Twilight. Everyone knows that Stephenie Meyer created werewolves, and now you hacks have been exposed! Good luck defending yourselves in court!


krt, siin on nüüd küll paar koma puudu...


ühesõnaga; ükspäev ma kuulasin huvitavat raadiosaadet, kus fotograaf seletas, kuidas oleks kõige parem pildistada põtra. lugu oli üdini õpetlik, aga siinkohal tahaksin ma peatuda pikemalt kompositsiooniteemal: nimelt, kui põtra pildistada, siis on kompositsiooniliselt kõige parem, kui põder jääb kaadri paremasse ülaserva ja ülejäänud pildil on ka mingeid taustamomente nt. mõni puu või kivi, mis siis omakorda rõhutavad ja toovad esile põdra võimsust ja suurust.

Best of Robert Pattinson EW interview

dude's funny.

Q: And after you do press for Elephants, you're going straight into shooting David Cronenberg's Cosmopolis?

A: Yes, I'm so excited, and I'm freaking out. I have no prep time, and it's a Don DeLillo book with semi-obscure dialogue, and I have to change my body shape quite a bit. I'm playing one of those masters-of-the-universe types, and I have to have about 6 percent body fat...which means I need to lose about 70 percent. [Laughs]

Q: So it's gym time.

A: If I could just cut out beer, that's my one thing. At the beginning of  [Breaking Dawn] I had to be really buff because I had to have my shirt off. And when I start [getting fit], I just go crazy about it. It's like the only thing I can talk about to anyone. So I was like, "I'm going to keep this up the whole time, so for whatever movie I do afterwards I'm going to be so buff." And then literally one day after my last shirt-off scene I started being all  [mimics eating voraciously] nom, nom, nom. And I didn't realize I had one more [shirt-off] scene, and you can see it in one of them - I'm clearly [exaggeratedly sucks in his stomach and cheeks].
Q: I'd think you have enough collateral built up so you could do a couple of out-there things.

A: I know, but then you suddenly start crawling back to the studios, like, "Please, please, please! I'll do anything, I'll do the most [idiotic] rom-com you can think of!"  [Laughs]

taevake, siin on tõesti vapustavad kommentaarid (tm Lainey) 

And WHOA ...



On March 14 Robert Pattinson impersonator walked into the real Robert Pattinson's hotel wearing a diaper and no pants.

Everyone knows that Robert Pattinson would never be caught wearing a diaper that sags. Rob is definitely a Huggie’s man.

Mõista-mõista, millest käib jutt?

It’s so embarrassing for me — after so many years, it’s still a process every single morning. Everybody else has figured out how to do it, and then there’s two people holding me down because I can’t do it myself. 

-Robert Pattinson- 

Kaubanduslikud teadaanded

Tänane fotokoomiks

siin on uhke pilt sellest, kuidas nikki reed aka rosalii da sports illustrated etc. krääbib edmundi phallust:

olid küll kena paarike:

aga pärast juhtus nii:

yeah..... well... whatever...

Üks ta tuttavgi osalevat võistlusel, ent tema laulnud loo telefoni kaudu saate automaatvastajale

Ega me mingit nurgatagust asja ei aja

Katrin Siska on minu elus sama olulisel kohal kui mu ema


Mis tegid muidu täna?


Marry (me)?

Kes neid reality saateid ikka vaadata viitsib

Rootsi Big Brother. 
a noh.... saates on nagunii riides...

Black remix


Top of the Morning

Beltshiku maja pakitakse kokku...

aknavargad on juba käinud

ainult kaks aastat veel ja juba saabki filmi näha!

Why are you doing this to me?

The following letters are taken from an actual incident between a London hotel and one of its guests last year. The hotel ended up submitting the letters to the Sunday Times.

Siiani vingeim tvailaidi-site, mida ma näinud olen

look! no girly hands!

Mutionu pidu


täna siis filmiti vancouveris vapustavat vampiiripulma. ja siin on rabavad uudised vampiiripruudi kleidi kohta:

mis mõttes ei tea? mina küll tean. tema eesnimi meenutab ritsu ema nime ja perekonnanimi kõlab nagu pleier.



Red Plush Jacket Mystery Solved!

Nüüd on ta siis country mees ka veel...

country roaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, take me hooooooooooooooooooooooooome!

meeleolu tekitamiseks:

Good ol' Facebook

Ära küsi, ma ei tea...

kle, sa mäletad, mis me eile tegime?

pahbiir vasakul, bahbiir keskel (blond)

Ta lihtsalt on selline Superhero Type

 Robert Pattinson, Andrew Garfield, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender & More Sought For ‘Akira’

 The story takes place in the rebuilt New Manhattan where a leader of a biker gang saves his friend from a medical experiment.There are two major roles, and I’m told that for Tetsuo, Robert Pattinson, Andrew Garfield and James McAvoy have been given the new script. For the role of Kaneda, the script has been given to Garrett Hedlund, Michael Fassbender, Chris Pine, Justin Timberlake and Joaquin Phoenix. The two leads are expected to come from that group of actors.

Akira is set in the post-apocalypse Neo-Tokyo of 2019, a vast metropolis built on the ashes of a Tokyo annihilated by an apocalyptic blast of unknown power that triggered World War III. The lives of two streetwise teenage friends, Tetsuo and Kaneda, change forever when dormant paranormal abilities begin to waken in Tetsuo, who becomes a target for a shadowy government operation, a group who will stop at nothing to prevent another catastrophe like that which leveled Tokyo. And at the core of their motivation is a raw, all-consuming fear: a fear of someone – or something – of unthinkably monstrous power known only as… Akira. And Akira is about to rise! 

Mulle tundub, et sobiks küll!

ja see on lihtsalt SAD SAD

A while back, Biebs told a British tabloid that he would want Rob as a wingman because he uses his hair to pick up chicks. Then Justin recently claimed on his U.K. press tour that Pattinson coached him to get gals.

"One day Robert Pattinson came up to me at a party and said, 'For whatever reason, people love our hair and it's always a great ice-breaker with girls,' " Justin is quoted in The People. "He is like, 'Hey my name's Robert. Want to touch my hair?' I thought he was joking, but it really works."

But according to R.Pattz, he has never even met Justin! And he was totally weirded out when he heard J.B. claim he got flirting tips from the Twilight star himself.

When asked about the comments, Rob countered on Friday:

"I've never met this guy. I saw that as well. I was like, 'You're really famous, man—what are you doing? You don't need to use me to make up stories!'"

See on juba nagu selline SAD Crazy

water for the elephants

aga hoopis on nunnuminutid!

Uudisekünnis taas ületatud

mis juhtus?

Must-have T

see on sümpaatne, sest selle särgi sõnum on tegelikult: "trying so hard to fit in but failing miserably". see meenutab mulle, kui me tvailaiti vaatasime ja teie arutlesite süvafilosoofilistel eksistentsiaalsetel teemadel ja mina küsisin: "kas mehhiklane on vampiir?"