
I work as an associate junior at merryll lynch! And I am grownup! I am!

Met him in London bar one week ago
by Yrmigsen 2 days ago (Mon Mar 14 2011 19:26:47)
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My girlfriend and I was out and about in London one week ago and while passing this swanky nightclub called mahiki (often frequented by european royals) we noticed paparazzi packed outside. One of my gf classmates is some sort of a DJ/partyfixer guy who knew a guy who knew the bouncer and after some phonecalls we where able to skip the line if we prepaid two drinks beforehand. So we did.

While inside the club (which was totally packed, some sort of industry party for a mobile phone company) I saw pattinson and this other guy Ive seen in british television behind some sort of velvet carpet in the vip section which was halfway closed along with some other pals and girls. Haha robert was drunk of his mind and at one point he collected 4 of the girls purses and hung them around his neck and also used theyre seats to store coats.

Next day I wake up in my hotel hungover and while eating breakfast the regret strikes me. Why the *beep* didnt I snap some paparazzi photos of it on my blackberry. I could probably made some real dough selling them to a *beep* tabloid uk paper for a decent fare. *beep*! Haha, yeah... Kept moral code and karma intact though

Re: Met him in London bar one week ago
by pwrgirl35 2 days ago (Mon Mar 14 2011 19:31:45)
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Nice try. Rob was in Vancouver last week shooting BD.

Re: Met him in London bar one week ago
by Yrmigsen 2 days ago (Mon Mar 14 2011 21:20:24)
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Yeah im sure he was but its very common for uk celebs to bound on british airways jfk-city airport (central london airport) on the weekends. I work as an associate junior at merryll lynch and the CEOs travel this route all the time. You can basically go on weekends in NYC without adjusting to jetlag i when you stay for less than 16 hours because these aircrafts has removed 30% of the seats in the plane which makes the whole plane business/first so you can sleep And its 20 min from city centre. Its very common for people like fx kanye who gets paid a fixed amount to show up at an event to go on this route and then go right back so no jetlag adjustment. Many of the CEOs in the firm often travels along with kate moss/posh/ katie holmes and these folks when they bouns this route to NYC for business. Its almost as good as flying privat but alot cheaper. However, my POINT is, not that far from jfk to vancouver and he was probably paid to show up or something haha whatever... Haha, easy folks. Why would I make this up anyway :D take care!


  1. Edgar17.3.11

    Mul juhtus eile selline lugu: tulime moonikaga õhtul kaubahallist ja kui me valli baarist möödusime, siis ma nägin, et see oli rahvast pilgeni täis nagu ikka. kuna moonika isa polgukaaslane on seal baarman, siis ta saatis kohe paar püsikundet peldikusse ja tegi meile leti ääres ruumi. kui me olime just hea jutuotsa peale saanud ja laksasime parasjagu neljandat millimallikat, astus uksest sisse purupurjus robert pattison. kaelaümber oli tal kolm paari nailonsukki ja kõrva küljes rippus nahast randmekott. ta kakles vaikselt nurgas lõõtsatõmbajaga ja lõpuks puksiski mehe lavalt maha. siis pidime terve õhtu tema nukraid laulukesi kuulama. nüüd ma muidugi natuke kahetsen, et pilti ei klõpsinud, oleks kroonikalt 500 eeku saanud, aga samas - ehk see on hea mu aurale!
