mh? maybe? da fuqq...
on alanud ettevalmistused koidukuma vaatamise otseülekandeks. isiklikult olen kolm päeva põhjanaabritega võtmist harjutanud, viimasel ringil jäid hispaanlased ja prantslased pikalt taha ja vuoden pelimiehega finišeerisime nö koonud koos! MY BODY IS READY!
ilusaid unenägusid!
ja see, nagu ma aru saan, on jakobi pruut? jah? jaah? või pigem ikka ei? või jah? brb...
kummarduge palun põrandalt asju noppima...
siin ka lubatud pulmakoogipilt:
jah, see clässi lady on meie blogi püstolreporter!
pilt kah heli kõrvale:
nüüd kui me oleme esialgsest šokist pisut toibunud, siis... no ma ei tea...
katkestan hetkeks selle clässi ülekande, sest ENDLIGA ON JUHTUNUD KOHUTAV ÕNNETUS!!!
"my privacy has been compromised since a psychotic friend of my ex found this blog"
"i have thus removed all posts, all images and all videos. thisneedsyou is now dead - i will not post anything more here."
i’m letting this go. this is my decision.
thank you all for everything.
all the best
yours truly
- f
Kes on Priit Tubli?
ReplyDeletesul on punn küünarnukil?
ReplyDeletemul on kassihaigus :(
ReplyDeletemul ka :(
ReplyDeletemul on näpu nuss
ReplyDeleteappi! endel...
ReplyDeletemul ka :(
ReplyDeletesulle, Robert, peaan kahjuks ära ütlema. käi perse, mees
ReplyDeleteFUCK! tsenseeritud!
ReplyDeleteadmin, sa oled täiesti useless
ReplyDeleteära ütle nii!
ReplyDeletemina ei ole see gay, see on rotikont! jasper! jackson!
ReplyDeleteJackson jätke mängust välja
ReplyDeleteEndel gay
ReplyDeletekes on jasper jackson???
ReplyDeletekas see on siin psühhoneuroloogiahaigla kinnise osakonna jututuba?
ReplyDeletekamoon, muidugi mitte! see pole jututuba, see on blogi, krdi dinosaurus. kas sul on nuppudega telefon? mammut!
ReplyDeletekino oli magusat eidehaisu täis!
ReplyDeletesa käisid kinos saarekas? ....
ReplyDeletema läksin täna läbi maja kohvi järele.
ReplyDeleteme usume
ReplyDeleteRob was less wonky than I was expecting, he did some cute giggles as well omfg :3
ReplyDeletethe birth scene! Rob for all the awards!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love how much Bellas lullaby was actually used throughout. And flightless bird? Oh deer lawwwwd. And the ending? Hnnnnnnng.
ReplyDeletekeegi palun blokkige jennifer
ReplyDeleteAnd if I had a gif of Kristen with that black nightie, I would be staring at it all day!
ReplyDeleteok, see on nüüd lihtsalt segadusttekitav...
ReplyDeletesa endel oled tõega gay. mul on jenniferi ja kristeni peale koos mõeldes hops kõva
ReplyDeleteok, tegelt mul oli juba enne kõva
a see ei muuda asja
it was so amazing I laughed cried and felt like I was having a heart attack-in a good way!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteok.... BÄNNNNNN!
ReplyDeleteI cried the entire time, and I dont cry over movies.. I love you Edward!!! BEST MOVIE EVAAAAA!
ReplyDeleteMul on [tsenseeritud] [tsenseeritud], [tsenseeritud]!!!
ReplyDeletekamoon, see viimane oli makarone eesnimi
ReplyDeleteI love you Edward!
ReplyDeletelet's keep it classy, bitches!
ReplyDeleteJUST SAW BREAKING DAWN PART 1 FOR THE SECOND TIME :D Still AMAZING gasping, crying, shivers love it<3
ReplyDeleteminule jooksevad psühhootilised naised kaubamajas järgi, kutsuvad eesnimepidi ....
ReplyDeleteDo you know of a website where I could watch Breaking Dawn? My mom won't allow me to see it and everyone talks about how great it is. I'm dying to see it. Could you please help me find somewhere I could watch it. I would really appreciate it.
ReplyDeletekle, siin on just õige koht, edasi pole vaja otsida
ReplyDeletecouple of things I don´t get - first: Edward brings out a big-ass metal syringe out of nowhere. Jake is like, “The fuck is that, brah?” Edward’s like, “Oh this? Nothing. I just keep my venom in here. Totes normal.” And then he just stabs her in the chest with it. Ouch. Why couldn’t you just have bitten her in the first movie when you two were romantically dancing in the gazebo instead of this horrific way? second: Dude, you didn’t wanna bang her cause you’re too strong and thought you’d break her, but now you’re violently pumping her chest with your stone hands when she’s in her most fragile state? Really? Okay.
ReplyDeleteSPOILER!! SPOILER!!! SPOILER!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJuba nüüd? Mul mullu talvel lõi hirmsa külmaga alumine esistange spoiler krõpsti katki. Kui vaikselt sõidad, siis veab teenindusse välja küll.
ReplyDeleteSPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPOILER!!!! SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletePoisid, kuulge, minge tõmmake keegi Sumps ära. Ma olen võtnud.
ReplyDeleteah [tsenseeritud] tuss, ma lugesin valesti
ReplyDeleteEdgar, sa jood seal koos Adminiga v?
ReplyDeletema võin minna, mul on aega.
ReplyDeletenoh! tsau Endel! kuidas sul on?
ReplyDeleteenam-vähem. minge siis kinosse filmi vaatama. detsembris.
ReplyDeleteoh! TSAU kõigile!!
ReplyDeletenäe raiska, endel, palju said filmi promokampaania eest
ReplyDeleteloodetavasti hea mitu aastat kinnises
ReplyDeleteAlguses olin ehk Kristeni suhtes liiga kaitsev, kuid filmimise lõpus tundis ta ennast vabamalt kui mina. Üritasin stseenide filmimise vahepeal endale tekki peale tõmmata, kuid see oli rohkem minu, kui Kristeni jaoks. Kõige hirmsam kogu asja juures oli oma füüsilise olemuse hindamine.
ReplyDeleteja veel tahaks öelda, et seksistseenide filmimine oli ebatavaline, sest kõrval oli terve rühm assistente ja kolm inimest, kes kontrollisid lõhkeaineid. Üritan teha seksistseeni ja jälgida mehe märke plahvatuse toimumise kohta.
ReplyDeleteRoobert .... hoiatus
ReplyDeleteNo mida? Esimeses kolmes osas suhtutakse seksi hirmunult ja siis neis kahes on hävitavad tagajärjed. Loodan, et see ei hirmuta inimesi lapsi tegemast. Vähemalt ma ei soovita seksida vampiiriga. See ei ole hea mõte.
ReplyDeletekui amet on selline mis seal ikka põdeda
ReplyDeletesai ei saa üldse aru millest ma räägin
ReplyDeletekui mina teen seksistseeni siis ma ei jälgi kunagi märke plahvatuse toimumise kohta. tuleb kui tuleb! ja alati tuleb! võimsalt!
ReplyDeleteokei ja miks haug ei saanud hoiatust nüüd???
ReplyDeletesina tattnokk ei tule mulle ütlema kuidas ma oma tööd teen
ReplyDelete[tsenseeritud][tsenseeritud][tsenseeritud] [tsenseeritud] [tsenseeritud]
ReplyDeleteSOO HOtTT!!!! I can’t stand it! He’s got such a great personality!! Damn, Kristen is a very lucky woman.
ReplyDeleteI see that most of the people here are 13 year old girls now……
ReplyDeletenope. i'm 56.
ReplyDeleteahhhh i hate that theyre together for real :(
ReplyDeleteThey won’t last another 3 years though, mark my words. Kristen’s so young still.
hakkab pihta ... MINGE ÄRA
ReplyDeleteI’m an older woman…over 50. ;-)
ReplyDeletemiks sa karjud, võrka? ageism? vana sa oled?
ReplyDeleteah jäta. mul pole aega siin lobiseda. ma pean minema piketile et mul palka tõstetaks.
ReplyDeletevõrka, p asemel m, k asemel n
haug, programmeerimisega tegeleb meil it-haldusüksus
ReplyDeleteI went to the cinema with an ex-girlfriend to see this , hoping after it I was going to get a shag.
ReplyDeleteI really don't get why this is so popular, they are wooden at best, with all the time taken up with them gazing at each other endlessly.
Oh and to make matters worse I didnt even get a shag for all my suffering. BAH HUMBUG.
It was very clear that this movie had only one intent, to make money. Anyone that had a part in making this movie should never work again. I would have to rate this as the worst movie of all time. Some people were actually laughing in the movie because it was so bad. I would rather go watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl part II.
ReplyDeleteThis movie was really bad. It's truly a shame that this is the #1 movie at the box office right now. I'm sorry if you disagree... but it was just bad. I fell asleep for about 10 minutes of the movie. Also, the talking wolf thing made me literally laugh out loud.
ReplyDeleteLet's just say that the best thing in the entire movie was the back of the wedding dress. Not the whole dress just the back.
ReplyDeleteI want my 9 dollars back…STFU Twilight fans, Breaking Dawn was so bad I want to cry… Yeah, that’s right…Oh and Taylor Lautner’s shirt was on most of the film. Seriously? His body would be the only thing that could redeem that piece of shit. I’m still not over the fact some jerk released that film and tricked people into paying to see it in theaters. I could buy a quarter tank of gas with nine dollars. I could go to a local concert with nine dollars. I could drink a beer or three with nine dollars. All of those things are more worthwhile…and I don’t even drink.