
Best of Chris Weitz vol 3


  1. ma ei saa nüüd hästi aru. see on for real ve? selline tviitimine? või teed nalja siin vana pahbiiri kulul? sest kuidas selline Chris Weitz peksa pole saanud?

  2. mina ei tee mingit nalja...

  3. Biel says:
    Same here. I have a soft spot for his long, expresive, beautiful hands (& his loooong, thick, gorgeous eyelashes)

    robgirl86 says:
    you said…”eyelashes” ..sigh*

    Mieze says:
    How could I forget the eyelashes *swoon*

    melronin says:
    I love the man…the whole of him…I love his pores… his veins…I love the blood that flows in him…I love his everything….
    case closed I think…lol

  4. natteringyeahrobber says:
    I know, I had to sneak a peek at the Chris W. twitter feed the other day and I gotta say that I’m sort of in love with him now (not in a Rob way, just in a “will occasionally check his Twitter feed when I’m bored at work way”). Someone asked him if he ever touched Rob’s hair when working with him and his response was something like “I could not stop touching Rob’s hair – that’s why I didn’t get hired for Eclipse.”
    Rob…roly poly…love.

    Cath says:
    *giggle* roly poly… *giggle*

  5. and *giggle* roly poly *giggle* I say!

  6. *giggle* *giggle* *giggle*

  7. I need a drink :/
