
Twihards, rejoice!

Robert Pattinson said that the scene where his character performs a caesarean (sic) with his teeth on wife, Bella, has been filmed for the final part of the Breaking Dawn.

“Yeah, I’ve done it,” RPattz laughed, “I’ve chewed it, spat it out!”

Though he's not allowed to give much more away (joking with Ryan Seacrest recently that he gets 'beaten' for revealing details), Pattinson promises that Breaking Dawn will be "very different to the other films - more like a horror film."

"Just some of the source material makes it inevitably more different. It's completely nuts, the book."


  1. uudised on erutavad
    nende gifide järgi tundub et see intekas oli küll täiesti retarded ja koosnes kõrvitsa spasmidest

  2. a caesarean with his teeth + pattissoni näitlejameisterlikkus. horror!

  3. no mis?! mäluda ta ju oskab! ja gifide kohta ma ütleks seda, et need on fännide tehtud ja parimatest paladest! isnt he dreamy?!
