

1. Tawny (Ämbri ema) continues her attempt at convincing Amber to pass her baby off as Liam’s child and to not inform Oliver that he’s the real father

2. Owen asks Nick to be his best man in his and Jackie’s vow renewal ceremony.

3. Thomas sets Madison (sekretär) straight about the current state of their relationship.

4. Taylor feels that it is only a matter of time before Brooke will go after Thomas, and that he may be too vulnerable to stop it.

5. On the jet to Paris, Thomas grapples with the growing feelings that he’s having for his stepmother.


6. Thomas expresses to Brooke that he now sees her in a different light, and that he knows why so many men fall in love with her.

7. Ridge doesn’t receive much encouragement from Eric and Thorne when they both recall their fond love affairs with Brooke, hinting that Thomas could be the next Forrester to fall for Brooke.

 Olen Thomas Forrester – rikas, tuuhea ja terve mies.

8. Amber wakes up in bed with her latest “friend with benefits.”

9. Nick receives startling information about his health.

10. Donna confesses to Katie about her loneliness and who she feels is “the one who got away.” Katie has an idea about how to reunite Donna with her true love.

11. Amber moves into the trailer park with Tawny and her multitude of cats.

12. Donna pays a visit to Eric to share with him the good news about her and Justin getting married. She leaves him with a special memento to fondly remember their marriage by


  1. nii, kes oli Liam? Owen oli ... Ambri poeg? Donnapoeg? Thomasel on lisaks oma kasuemale raud tules ka sekruga? miks nad pariisi lähevad? miks ritsul on vaja encouragementi? Ämber on litsiks läinud? kes on justin??? aaaaa .....!!!!

  2. soapprofessor20.4.11

    ihan totta kaikki! Liam on Billi poeg! Owen on džäki noor mees. thomasel on lisaks kasuemale ja sekrule veel ka keegi Summer. pariisi lähevad BECAUSE THEY CAN! ritsu kohta ei tea... Justin on Donna suure neegripoja DAD. Ämber on lits mis lits
