
Yeah, well, you stink like poop! I'm sure he's maaaaaaarvelous!

Witherspoon and Pattinson are a three-ring snooze-fest together, bringing little passion to a love story supposedly so fiery, it blows the roof off the big top.

The movie's lone star attraction is Christoph Waltz

As sadists go, this guy's an amateur next to Waltz's "Basterds" bad boy, but the actor is so talented, he commands every moment that he's on screen, further highlighting how dull fellow Oscar winner Witherspoon and "Twilight" heartthrob Pattinson are.

The romance is utterly predictable and uninvolving, with barely a spark igniting between Witherspoon and Pattinson.


  1. iamcullen21.4.11

    The majority of these cititis probably have not seen the movie, just going by the clipsl. They love to bash Rob, no matter what the movie. Jealously will do that to a person. I will see it tomorrow and then Saturday and Sunday to support Rob, the most refreshing actor to come along in a long time.

  2. heiti21.4.11

    Don't expect an Oscar-winning performance from Pattinson. He's a good-looking chap about to celebrate his 25th birthday, a chick magnet who in this movie is kissed by all the young women in the circus troupe, but he is not yet an actor.

  3. MrsPattinson23.4.11

    I hate yu, heiti!
