
Avalik kiri Mariahilt

Kuna meid kedagi ei huvita, siis palus Debüssi oma lehma lellepoja naabrinaise tütrel Mariahil kirja panna, mis tema ja Piiberi vahel täpselt aset leidis.

Siin see on. Head mälumist!

After waiting for a short period of time with several young women, Justin Bieber appeared and engaged me in conversation. Immediately, it was obvious that we were mutually attracted to one another, and we began to kiss. Shortly thereafter, Justin Bieber suggested that I go with him to a private place where we could be alone. I agreed to go with him and on the walk to a private area, he told me he wanted to make love to me and this was going to be his first time.

After walking away from the other people backstage, Justin Bieber found a place where we could be alone -- a bathroom. We went inside and immediately his personality changed drastically. He began touching me and repeatedly said he wanted to fuck the shit out of me. At the time I asked him to put a condom for protection, but he insisted that he did not want to.

In his own words, he said that because it was his first time he wanted to feel everything. He was on top of me with my legs around him. At the time I was on top of some type of shelf. The sexual intercourse itself was brief, lasting only approximately 30 seconds.

Lubage naerda. Lubate? Tänan!

30 sekundit...


  1. maikel2.11.11

    that shit sounds like Justin Bieber fanfiction written by Stephenie Meyer!

  2. Endel2.11.11

    esimene kord kipubki pauk kiirelt lahti minema

  3. A. Haug2.11.11

    sul on iga kord esimene?

  4. Endel2.11.11

    käi perse! ma olen äärmiselt vastupidav!

  5. A. Haug2.11.11

    tänan pakkumast, pole minu rida

  6. Edgar2.11.11

    Kohutavalt piinlik lugu.

  7. A. Haug2.11.11

    kas sul läks ka enneaegselt lahti?

  8. Endel2.11.11

    nonii! nüüd on selgunud, kes anal bleachi testib. irw!

  9. Sumbatädi2.11.11

    kas Mariah Carey?
