
It's weird, It's kind of embarrassing. (GreatPersonalities)

People say Twilight is what teenage girls are into and I’m like, yeah, but that’s not just it. Most of the time it’s the mums who are actually more passionate! This woman and her teenage daughter are walking up. And the mom’s shaking, she’s just so excited. They get to the front table and the woman goes, ‘Taylor, I’m wearing panties that have your name on them. If I find a way to take them off and have you sign them, is that OK?’ And the daughter’s like, ‘Mum, come on!’ And her mum’s like, ‘Honey, it’s OK, this is what we do at these signings!’ The daughter was so embarrassed. 

Taylor Lautner / July 20, 2010
 nb! onju parem parukas kui tvailaidis?

That's a hard question. They are sexy in different ways. But I'll say werewolf. I have to be true to the pack. 
Taylor Lautner on whether vampires or werewolves are sexier / November 20, 2009

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