
Nii palju on öelda! 7

Indeed, the poster boy continues to be idolized for his role as vampire Edward Cullen, opposite Kristen Stewart’s Bella Swan, in the wildly popular Twilight film series.

Certainly, the Twi-hard craze shows no signs of letting up.

Based on the bestselling Stephenie Meyer books, the first three movie versions – Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse – scooped up more than $1.8 billion US, while the controversial Breaking Dawn pictures could add another billion dollars to the coffers.
Reminding the 24-year-old that he must endure at least two more years of adoration from devoted zealots makes him grimace a little.

As all-encompassing as the phenomenon turned out to be, the actor has been wise enough to act in different genres along the way.

As all-encompassing as the phenomenon turned out to be, the actor has been wise enough to act in different genres along the way.

Still, the camera has always loved him. Initially, as a teenager, he booked lots of modelling gigs around London, thanks to his brooding good looks and his mother Claire, who worked at a talent agency.

After beating out 5,000 other Edward hopefuls, he signed to play the vampire in turmoil, connecting with Stewart’s Bella so convincingly that rumours of an off-screen romance continue to this day.

“It’s incredible that they get information so quickly,” Pattinson says of the sites. “Sometimes I check them, just to see what my schedule is.

In another few years, Pattinson says he figures fans will move on to the next big thing. “I’ve always felt that if something explodes really quickly that it takes the same amount of time for people to think about something else.”     

When they do, the actor has a few post-Twilight plans he’s keeping to himself. Whether he can realize them is his next chapter.
Will he be overshadowed by Edward?
“I don’t know if I will be. As usual, I have no idea – but I hope not.”

yes, you will...


  1. a lot of people think my sarcasm comes from insecurity & defensiveness, but I assure you I'm just being petty and cruel. fa fa fa fa FA! how refined am I!?!?!

  2. Take your age. Add it to your favorite movie star’s age. Subtract the number 7. Hide a loaf of bread under a pillow. Cry.

  3. As usual, I have no idea!

  4. Out later in the year is his controversial role as a 19th-century Paris reprobate in the R-rated adaptation of the Guy de Maupassant story, Bel Ami. “It was really fun to do, because he is a completely amoral character.”
