
Nii palju on öelda! 7

The soon to be 25-year-old Robert Pattinson sits slumped on a folding high chair in a smallroom in the luxury Fairmont Miramar in Santa Monica, Los Angeles. Although four people from the film company are in the same room – to film the interview and make sure we speak the outlined time – standing outside the door are Pattinson’s bodyguard Dean and his manager Nick Frenkel.

Oscar winners Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Walz at the same hotel, but it isobvious who is lashed upon. Even if Robert Pattinson hasn´t been a household name more than three years, and in contrast to Hollywood’s A-list names such as Johnny Depp andBrad Pitt have no long film resume or critics praise to brag about, there is no movie star that is currently followed by an equally large army of feverishly passionate, obsessive fans.

Today Robert Pattinson is dressed in gray T-shirt, rumpled blue blazer, beige baggy chinos, and boots.

Robert Pattinson picture-perfect face and hair.

Reese Witherspoon  said that lots of fans came to the filming, some hanging there around the clock to meet you. What do they want?

- Nothing special really, just to say hello. They´d be let down. I think they just want a glimpse of me in a car than to actually meet me.

Why do you think that?

- If you hang around a movie set for 50 days to meet someone the expectations are impossible to fulfill. If not I would levitate in front of them.

Have you ever been a fan?

- I loved the TV show “American Gladiators” when I was little. I was obsessed with a female gladiator named Jet. But then I was 8 years old.

Do you have some secret interest that you youtube in the evenings?

- Live Videos of Van Morrison. And clips from “America’s funniest home videos”. I like to watch people fall down.

 It’s hard to be cool sometimes. I hold my gaze down, while the anger grows, he says.

What would you rather do if you worked in a circus?

- I like ordinary everyday jobs, like stacking boxes. It is pure escapism. I would like to pitch the tent along everyone else. It would be a relief to just be one of the group.


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