
I say, show me the pictures, bitch!

If you guessed Xtina, come on down and collect your prize of nothing!

1. Xtina and Matt kissing in a bed.
Escandalo rating: zero out of 5 lipstick prints

2. Xtina with two naked man strippers at Nicole Richie's party.
Escandalo rating: half of a faded lipstick print

3. Xtina pretending to suck off a dildo held by some dude.
Escandalo rating: 1 lipstick print diluted with a splash of tap water

4. Xtina sucking off a chocolate covered banana in some theme park.
Escandalo rating: 3/4th of a lipstick print on a plastic cup full of Mountain Dew

Escandalo rating: 50 OUT OF 5 LIPSTICK PRINTS!

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