tegemist oli täismõõdulise täkuga!

kui kommentaare lugeda, siis eestlased on ikka ühed igavad tundetud mühkamid. ei mingit kirge, tuld, emotsioone ...
kui kommentaare lugeda, siis eestlased on ikka ühed igavad tundetud mühkamid. ei mingit kirge, tuld, emotsioone ...
minu soovitus oleks end õunamahlaga üle valada. SWOON! GIGGLE!
ReplyDeleteUgh honestly that interview didnt sound like my Robby AT ALL! Im a little skeptical…hmmmmm…..maybe the foriegn press has their own agenda just like any interviewer….and Im SURE his words were taking out of context yet again!*sighs*
ReplyDeleteWhat’s with this pic?, damn I hate this pic of him!
ReplyDeletePersonally I don’t blame him for being afraid of horses, they can do alot of damage if spooked. Glad to see he got along well with his other leading lady Tai. LOL jmo
Does anyone have any good plans for this weekend?
ReplyDeleteBeing scared of horses is stupid, just get over the fear ’cause it can make you stupid. Like some dude said, “Never let the fear strike you down!” Also, I can’t wait ’til the whole Twilight Saga movie thing ends because I don’t like them as much as the books.
ReplyDeletedon’t yell at me for saying this but I love, love, love the Twilight Saga. I love the books and I love the movies. Are the movies better than the books.. no. But, on their own, I must say I do enjoy the movies too. I became a Robert Pattinson fan because I saw him in the first Twilight film. So although, for the actors I would like to see the TW thing end because of the craziness of it all but for me I will hate to see it end because I love the story. I hope Stephanie Meyers gets off her butt and rights a new book continuing the story or at the very least finishes Midnight Sun.
ReplyDeleteLOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL what a goober!!!! What kind of pic is this????? Can u say ” I am forrest gump’s first cousin”????? LOL LOL LOL!
ReplyDeleteWhy are all the hot attractive guys like Robert Pattison straight? It's so frustrating for a young gay guy like myself. Oh well!
ReplyDeleteEdgar, laupäeval tule minu juurde kohvile!
ReplyDeletemiks sul ei võiks olla sonks nagu Robertil?